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  1. Smokin4fun

    Cal/Mag def or nut burn?.?

    Super! Thanks so much! I did start them in 6" jiffy pots but won't do that again. Pots stole all the water and medium was always bone dry and had to water twice a day. Pots got algae that spread across top of soil after replanting. Got that under control and then this issue. Just one mistake...
  2. Smokin4fun

    Cal/Mag def or nut burn?.?

    I haven't been getting hardly any runoff. Sounds like a plan. Will wait til good and dry. What pH do I want the feeding to be for this medium? You mentioned 6.5 earlier. Do I need to get Canna Bio? I have JR Peters Jack classic 20-20-20 fert.
  3. Smokin4fun

    Cal/Mag def or nut burn?.?

    Well I am embarrassed to say it was MG organic potting mix but the nutes were extremely low, ( .10 - .05 - .05) and I added extra peat moss and perlite to the mix. I thought the nutes were too minimal to worry about but now I feel I know nothing!
  4. Smokin4fun

    Cal/Mag def or nut burn?.?

    I REEEEAAAALLLLYYYYY appreciate all of your help Semper.Fi !!!!!!! I hardly ever get any replies. I know people are tired of us newbies asking the same shit without doing their research but I have read so much I just get more and more confused. Seems everyone has a difference of opinion. It's...
  5. Smokin4fun

    Cal/Mag def or nut burn?.?

    I would pretty much guarantee I have not "inoculated your organic medium with a diverse range of bacteria and a comedian to break down what is n the soil?" siince I have NO idea what you mean. So what I am gathering is that I should be following ideal pH levels for soil rather than...
  6. Smokin4fun

    Cal/Mag def or nut burn?.?

    Pestioles of older growth are reddish/purple (color blind apparently lol) The new are more green. Main stem is green with slight dotted verical lines of darker color.
  7. Smokin4fun

    Cal/Mag def or nut burn?.?

    Yeah, I agree with that. Like I said, I haven't watered since Sunday so trying to get some Cal by foliar feeding. Not going to water for a while but considering a flush the next time?
  8. Smokin4fun

    Cal/Mag def or nut burn?.?

    OK, I give up! I thought organic mix was considered soilless. :(
  9. Smokin4fun

    Cal/Mag def or nut burn?.?

    Well glad I asked. LOL I always thought it was best to cut off dead/dying stuff so the plant could concentrate more on the healthy stuff but I guess with weed it is different?
  10. Smokin4fun

    Cal/Mag def or nut burn?.?

    Only every 3rd or 4th day. The peat moss seems to really hold in the moisture. I do test the soil before I water and when I water I water just until I see runoff. With these photos, I have not watered since Sunday, only foliar yesterday and I raised the lights to avoid any burn from that.
  11. Smokin4fun

    Cal/Mag def or nut burn?.?

    Also, should I go ahead and cut off the really damaged leaves??
  12. Smokin4fun

    Cal/Mag def or nut burn?.?

    I honestly do not think nute burn is a possibility as these poor little girls have just been stunted from the beginning and I never gave any nuts until over 30 days and that was very diluted MG which I know no one likes but it is what I had on hand until my 20-20-20 arrived. Again, it was very...
  13. Smokin4fun

    pH question

    Thanks so much. I thought it would make perfect sense and seems to have worked. Posted this on the newbie forum first and only response I got back was a stupid question about whether my soil was really organic. I do appreciate an actual answer to my question. Thanks again. All seems balanced...
  14. Smokin4fun

    pH question

    Can I water/feed with lower than ideal ph to help balance grow medium ph OR do I always have to water/feed with ideal goal ph? I have read about what amendments to add to lower ph but don't want to disturb the plants at this point and haven't found anything about using the water to adjust the...
  15. Smokin4fun

    Need to lower ph

    Bagged organic potting mix. Ingredients peat moss humus bark compost etc. Just need to know if I can water/feed with a lower than ideal ph to help balance or if I have to water/feed with the ideal goal ph?
  16. Smokin4fun

    Need to lower ph

    I've read about what amendments to add to grow medium but I don't want to have to disturb my plants. I need to lower the pH and wondering if watering and feeding can be done with lower than desired pH to adjust it to where I need it OR do I need to water/feed with the correct ph? I cannot find...
  17. Smokin4fun

    First grow...30 days

    O Oh yeah for sure I know I have a while to go yet. Thanks for the link. Will have to check it out.
  18. Smokin4fun

    First grow...30 days

    I always thought you were supposed to try to put the root down. Thanks for the reply.
  19. Smokin4fun

    30 colas 1 plant

    Well that is awesome! What are you using for support?
  20. Smokin4fun

    First grow...30 days

    So now I am thinking the spotting is from PH imbalance from a great article post I read. I did mix in quite a bit of peat moss to my organic mix which I read was highly acidic. The problem before was very dry soil and having to water twice daily as the peat pots were holding all the moisture and...