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  1. AlphaSierra

    Brown rusty spots

    I have seen this before on some of my outdoor girls in soil (I was growing girl scout thin mint cookies). It looked identical to what I see in your pics. I never figured out exactly what it was and it never went away on the leafs that the spots appeared on, but did not appear on new growth...
  2. AlphaSierra

    What kind of cannabis is this?

    sometimes we get lucky and get a good strain from unknown seeds but not very often because of all the variables (like what type of male pollinated the mother). I would clone it, then force flower the one you have now to better determine what you have, then either kill the clone or grow it a full...
  3. AlphaSierra

    What kind of cannabis is this?

    your plant is definitely a indica dominant strain. pretty hard to tell much else about it at this stage other than it looks nice and healthy. i'm curious, how is it that you know nothing about it? from seed I'm guessing? did it just show up under your pillow?
  4. AlphaSierra

    Need some advice

    looks like a lot of brown spotting and yellowing, also some burning. which 3 part system are you using from advanced nutrients? looks like your ladies are just starting to flower? I wouldn't let the ph go past 5.9 during flowering and stay below 900 ppm. also are you using superthrive every...
  5. AlphaSierra

    The 3 Industries Killing Legal Weed

    I live in Northern California in the north bay at the bottom of the Emerald Triangle. Last summer we were growing for a bay area collective with over 10,000 verified medical cannabis patients recommendations under our belt (and posted at the grow site). we got raided by the local sheriff's...
  6. AlphaSierra

    Damn IL cops took my shit n gae me a felony...

    That is very very wrong, sorry you had to go through that and hopefully laws where you live have changed since then? if not hopefully soon.
  7. AlphaSierra

    Is my plant doing okay?

    upping your ppm won't necessarily make your plants greener. upping ppm using N usually will make them darker green, unless of course they are at a fragile stage of growth (like 17 days old) then it could also make them nice and crispy and dead. some strains are naturally lighter in color. a ppm...
  8. AlphaSierra

    Is my plant doing okay?

    move up too 400 ppm for a darker green???? shady advice.
  9. AlphaSierra

    Need help diagnosing an indoor coir grow

    hmmmm opinions or INFO on YOUR grow...........? just curious, are you asking for opinions on how they look or do you not know their lineage or where they came from? Looks like a sativa dominant strain that has elongated internode spacing obviously in early stage of flowering, looks like they...
  10. AlphaSierra

    Need help diagnosing an indoor coir grow

    the one in the first pic looks ok, I would let the soil dry then add water only with ph @ 6.2. the other two don't look so good, do you have any superthrive? I think that would help right now, just a drop to a gallon of fresh ph'd water next time soil is dry.
  11. AlphaSierra

    Need help diagnosing an indoor coir grow

    if your going non organic I would recommend a nice all purpose like Maxsea 16-16-16, and only use at 1/4 strength
  12. AlphaSierra

    Need help diagnosing an indoor coir grow

    I would definitely NOT ff those babies with that. that is a chemical fert designed for large developed plants in bloom, you could easily kill them with that!
  13. AlphaSierra

    Need help diagnosing an indoor coir grow

    I would keep them on strait clean correctly ph'd water ( 6.0-6.2 should do nicely) a light ff probly wouldn't hurt but give them at least a few days without any nutes. curious, whats the npk on the Big Bloom?, they will need mostly N right now, not so much P and K.
  14. AlphaSierra

    Need help diagnosing an indoor coir grow

    you are probably over nuting and over watering. at the stage they are in you should not have to give them nutes any more than once a week and only at 1/4 strength, half at the most. only water when the soil is unmistakably dry on the top layer and never feed nutes if the plants are dry, give...
  15. AlphaSierra


    if your running your ph for your critical and slh at 6.8, maybe bring it down to 6.2, it will help them up take nutes better. maybe keep your nute strength around 600, see how they respond and give a foliar with neem oil.
  16. AlphaSierra


    looks like a bit of a pest problem and possible nute problem combinded. I'm curious do you always run your ph @ 6.8? seems pretty high to me especially during flowering. what ppm are you feeding them at? I would never run a ph at 6.8, I always stay below 6.4 during veg, usually 6.0-6.2. during...
  17. AlphaSierra

    Damn IL cops took my shit n gae me a felony...

    glad to hear it came out ok for you, what a petty bunch of shit any way, all over 5 oz of pot? I feel for you and especially those like DirtyMcCurdy who live in states without any legalization. I guess I should feel real lucky, I can carry up to 3 pounds of processed pot on me.
  18. AlphaSierra


    Has anyone heard of or grown a strain called Phantom? I got 9 of them from a friend and decided to start them in the green house, just put them in the ground last week. the only thing I know about them is they are an idica(obviously) picture was taken june 1st. they are all vegging well so far...
  19. AlphaSierra

    First Grow

    I don't know very much about growing with fluorescent lighting although I have heard they are good when the plant is very young and sensitive, however you will definitely need much more lumens if you want them big. how many plants do you have? even one parabolic hood with a 1000 watt metal...
  20. AlphaSierra

    First Grow

    the size looks fine to me, just watch the nute strength and would recommend not too often until they are around 8 inches or so.