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  1. AlphaSierra

    First Grow

    nice they look good, keep up the good work. hope they grow to beautiful big ladies! thanks Rdale for explain CFL.
  2. AlphaSierra

    First Grow

    looks like nice starts, please help me understand the acronym CFL? is that florescent lighting? just curious I've only used metal halide or high pressure sodium up to flowering. they look a little small to be feeding nutes. are you feeding 1/4 strength or full? ive had better response using...
  3. AlphaSierra

    Watering/Nute Issues?

    plants still look great man, keep up the good work, " I never saw a dame yet that didn't understand a good slap in the mouth"
  4. AlphaSierra

    How should I fix this nitrogen def?

    sometimes it's better to wait and give the proper nutrition that will work rather than get in a hurry and give improper nutrition that could ultimately compound the problem.
  5. AlphaSierra

    How should I fix this nitrogen def?

    just curious, are you unable to buy other nutrients other than what you have listed? there are many out there that would help in your situation such as Earth Juice Elements Grow. NPK is 16-0-0 at 3/4 tsp per gallon of water, you could taylor this into your nutes as needed. it is an organic...
  6. AlphaSierra

    Watering/Nute Issues?

    I have seen this type of clawing before when the soil and roots have been completely dried out to the point that the plant is ready to wilt, then given so much water or nutes that the soil is completely drenched, and the leaves curl down at the tips almost immediately. easy to mistake for over...
  7. AlphaSierra

    Cannabis Oil for Fighting Cancer...

    This is very good information! thank you for the input. I can grow the stuff pretty good, but I still have a ton to learn about all the uses.
  8. AlphaSierra

    My 2015 outdoor growing project

    have you tried tying silver strands of ribbon to your plants? works for me here to help keep the birds out, especially those pesky sparrow's.
  9. AlphaSierra

    help sexing

    looks male to me.
  10. AlphaSierra

    Cannabis Oil for Fighting Cancer...

    sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you. so I had a good long talk with my partners about treating lung cancer specifically using cannabis oils. First, neither me or my partners are doctors, however one of my partners does work directly with cancer patients and does a lot of follow up...
  11. AlphaSierra

    Experiments in Organic Pest Control - Spider Mites

    I finally found some Neem Oil!, but it is manufactured by BONIDE. The container states it is for organic gardening but I rarely trust what a company puts on a label unless I have personally used their products or it has been recommended by a reputable source. I have been wanting a neem oil...
  12. AlphaSierra

    Experiments in Organic Pest Control - Spider Mites

    Thank you, fortunately my current girls were only inside my green house to get them going. I started them end of march, found the problem early April, treated them and let them veg up through may. I haven't seen any sign of them for a couple weeks, just got them outside in the ground...
  13. AlphaSierra

    Cannabis Oil for Fighting Cancer...

    for sure, I will actually be working with both my partners tomorrow and will be sure to get you some more detailed info.
  14. AlphaSierra

    Cannabis Oil for Fighting Cancer...

    I actually work for two very seasoned growers who have a lot of knowledge about this, as well the majority of our current crops are of strains specifically for cancer patients that are very high in CBD's and very very low in THC. We extract the oils in many variations using a Co2 extraction...
  15. AlphaSierra

    Experiments in Organic Pest Control - Spider Mites

    I had spider mites earlier this year and white flies just recently, both introduced via cuttings. I initially top dressed my soil with neem cake, then foliar fed with neem seed meal brewed @ 30 hours once a week for four weeks. it worked very well to get rid of both.