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  1. F

    Please help .. leaves dont look right.

    il add more water and cut the nutes,,, see what happens over the next couple of days. and n i havnt got a sticky trap il prob go and get one now ... roots were white and clean when i checked and still growing new roots. i think it could be the light ,, il decrease to 600 also and see how they...
  2. F

    Please help .. leaves dont look right.

    i checked the roots.. new white fuzzy roots are appearing .... also i had the water on constant before and they were getting overwatered as they drooped down very bad. also my ppm is currently around 800 - 1000 so that may be high. and theres no bugs or mites i check for them regularly and the...
  3. F

    Please help .. leaves dont look right.

    Blue dripper system... every 3 hours for half an hour. could my light be too low ? im using dutch prob a n b and magi cal calmag, superthrive.
  4. F

    please help leaves dont look normal

    hi , i have 2 (mobydick) in hydro wilma 4 pot clay pebbles 800w hps temps 28 deg celc light on 20 deg light off humid average 40-50 currently 5 weeks in veg ,,, they have been main lined to have 16 tops all was fine until transplanting into wilma pots . transplanted 1 week ago had wilting...
  5. F

    Please help .. leaves dont look right.

    hi , i have 2 (mobydick) in hydro wilma 4 pot clay pebbles 800w hps temps 28 deg celc light on 20 deg light off humid average 40-50 currently 5 weeks in veg ,,, they have been main lined to have 16 tops all was fine until transplanting into wilma pots . transplanted 1 week ago had wilting...
  6. F

    help .. deficiancy issur or heat

    Yes they are on in the night ... i have a fan constantly blowing over . And have a cooltube but cant seem to get temps less than 85 with lights on .
  7. F

    help .. deficiancy issur or heat

    Roots are white and growing fine . Dutch pro a & b . Last couple days roots grew through spreader mat but look fine.
  8. F

    help .. deficiancy issur or heat

    Temps around 85 Humidity stays around30 40 Nft feed on half hour half hour off Ph 5.9 Its about 4 n half weeks from seed Some leaves are slightly yellow as u can in pics and have a few little cuts as u can see. Any help guys thanks m
  9. F

    leaves curling up why ?

    Hi my seedling is jusy over 3 weeks old . 150w cfl on 18-6 temps around 75-80 n humid 45 Night 70-75 humid 35 Nft hydro Feed water phd 5.8 n formulex 4 times a day starting couple days ago . Light around 3inch away . Since last 2 days the leaf tips are curling upm can someone help
  10. F

    help on feeding

    Thanks mate now i have an idea untill what ive gotta wait for . Im just being impatient i gues
  11. F

    help on feeding

    Should i add feed now ? And when can i lst ? Thanks
  12. F

    help on feeding

    Its got 6 sets of leaves. Well 2 are quite small yet.
  13. F

    help on feeding

    When should i use nutrients and what strength . Nft system. Its currently 17 days old from sprout
  14. F

    please help

    Thanks for the reply . 5.8 hydro . Colours all fine the nodes are close is that ok ? And and ideas on when i should use hps250w . Curreblt 150 cfl and its just over 2 weeks from sprout
  15. F

    please help

    firsttimwNew Member Help . Leaves folding under from one side onnly on 2 leaves . Temp 75-80 Nft feed currently 3 15 mins a day . 1/4 strength nutes . Humid 40 - 50 Night temps 70-75 , 30-40
  16. F

    help this dont look normal ?

    This pic any better
  17. F

    help this dont look normal ?

    Front left leaf folding under or is just me
  18. F

    help this dont look normal ?

    Help . Leaves folding under from one side onnly on 2 leaves . Temp 75-80 Nft feed currently 3 15 mins a day . 1/4 strength nutes . Humid 40 - 50 Night temps 70-75 , 30-40
  19. F


    Is that better with the light or higher m
  20. F

