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  1. T

    13 on 11 off light cycle

    Any truth that this will increase size of harvest?
  2. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    That's how i'm feeling, one more week then maybe another lol
  3. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    I have really good vision like 20x15
  4. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    Haven't been feeding it fertilizer at all, just normal water so i don't know where you got lay of the N
  5. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    Lol my bad i picked at it way earlier, i picked dying leaves and shit when it didn't have enough of a nutrient
  6. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    Yea i was gonna give it a dark period
  7. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    Can't cause i'm on my laptop and own no camera, but with a magnifying glass i can see that most if not all are milky white instead of clear
  8. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    Damn so that's three people that have told me to wait a few weeks to a month tbh i was plannin on harvesting next thursday
  9. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow i was gonna try and get this one, like i told dude above i sell beats for a living right now, i got 250 dollars comin in from one sale tomorrow and then another 500 once i get these package deals done
  10. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    Thanks man and yes that is a 14w led panel shit was 50 dollars it was all i could afford when i was germinating them, i started out with a 40 watt incandascent "plant light" and a 4 watt led bulb from walmart, then i got that, then i ordered the 2, 23 watt clf bulbs and added them so i got the...
  11. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    I'm taking pics off my laptop, ima try and take a good closeup with it at 6 when i turn the lights on ima be up all night anyways
  12. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    I don't have a microscope to look real real close like that but i've got 20 x 15 eye sight and a small magnifying glass and most of the trichomes are real cloudy right now
  13. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    I would if i could but i'm jus workin with what's available, i got quite a few of the strawberry lights seeds from my stepdad in NC, and then i got seeds that i have found in my travels lol
  14. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    I'm lookin for an energetic high out of it, see what i do for a living is i'm a music producer and i make hip hop, pop, r&b beats and then sell them online, i want to smoke and be able to get in the zone and turn up as i'm making my music.
  15. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    If i do that will the high be a real stony kinda high?
  16. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    Correct me if i'm wrong but i read that the later you harvest the bud the more thc particles it accumulates, while in retrospect the earlier you harvest it the more of an energetic high you get, i was thinking of harvesting in about a week to get that kinda high but if you say a month you think...
  17. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    You really think one month?
  18. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    True that, by looking at those pics do you have a guesstimate as to how long it has left?
  19. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    Thanks man lol maybe i should add a "in the middle option" for the poll but again thanks for the feedback i got all excited this my first time ever making a thread or interacting on this website
  20. T

    Day 54 of Flowering Strawberry Lights , First Time Grow

    8) I was wondering when would be a good time to harvest, like the thread title says this is my first grow ever. I flushed em i can't exactly remember how many days ago :/ i suffer from memory loss. But yea take a look at the pics and lemme know, if ya'll could also guess to how much the yield...