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  1. G


    Here is the unknown strain. That tastes like sweet chocolate. One is before harvest. One after harvest. And current plant. She is doing great considering my amateur cutting for reveg. If i was her i would cover up with leaves as fast as possible too
  2. G


    Hard to treat as regular plant it was my first try. This lady has stems coming out in sets of three. I cut 40% of roots off at beginning of reveg and now the whole bucket is plum full of fat white roots.
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  4. G


    Need help the plant has come back to life after harvest. Great. Now it has turned into a soccer ball size cluster of leaves. So many i dont know what to do. Should i trim or wait till they grow out away from the main stem
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    Reveg after harvest

    The ph you recommend seems high for hydro. Wont the plant suffer nutrient lockout in that range. And do you recommend a foliar spray even in hydo when reveging. I dont want to overdue the nutes. Gotta find just the right amount. All i know is she will be lacking nitrogen for sure
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    Reveg after harvest

    First grow ever went with dwc. Ended up with 135 grams. I want to reveg this plant or try. I left a lot of parts on the plant and 15 small buds or so. Washed the roots clean water 5.6 ph nutes at 350ppm veg mix. Trimed say 45% roots off. Should i be spraying the leafs. I never have before. Never...
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    pics say more than words

    Update. The plants were not responding to anything we tried. So I decided to go back to tap water. Took out the chlorine, added hydroguard, calmag, and then 300 ppm of floraduo. Not much happened. So being close to death I said I'll try one more thing. I pulled the plants out put a 6" air stone...
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    pics say more than words

    2 topfin air 8000. Right now has 3 ait spiders in 3.5 gallons of water. Pic shows bubbles they cover the entire bucket.
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    pics say more than words

    New water nutes at 400ppm. 75° tent. Hydroguard and calmag. Water started as distilled. 5 weeks in and the big one is 6" the smallest 4.5". Look OK to you guys. 2nd grow first was a boy and was very big and streched.
  10. G

    this plant has so many symptoms.

    The roots are now much whiter than before. The leaves are very small at the main stem and don't grow out away from the stem. They are just stacking on top of each other and light cannot reach them. Leaves are stiff droopy and stems are stiff. Is this possibly under oxygenation do to root...
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    this plant has so many symptoms.

    Being new. I used distilled water. I have recently added some hydroguard. And calmag. Im using a digital meter that I put about an inch and a half in the water for ph levels and another for nutes. I have raised the nutes level to about 500ppm. The nutes are flora duo. The res is cold but temps...
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    this plant has so many symptoms.

    Yes dwc. Got 2 large pumps and more bubbles than I know what to do with
  13. G

    this plant has so many symptoms.

    Im not sure where to start. Im at 75° in the tent 50% humidity. 18hrs on 6hrs off. ph is 6. Nutes are 140ppm. Please help
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    new to sexing

    Not a total loss. I didn't kill it and that was the number one goal. For a first plant and starting my journey with dwc. Instead of soil. It fun to learn
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    new to sexing

    Is it to soon or is this just a male?
  16. G

    stunted growthgrowth

    I have three plants that are having issues getting bigger. There been in dwc for a month and have lots of leaves. But are six inches tall and three wide. The leaves feel very dry whole plant feels dry. The root are a light tan. Room temp is 68 ish ph is 6 to 6.2. Using a little floraduo at...
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    just when I think I got under control

    New problems. I have what appears to be tacos at the top part of plant. Followed by some dark green leaves with small yellow spots halfway up plant. Then some burnt tips at the bottom leaves. Room is 75 degrees. 45% humidity 15 inches or so in veg. Ph 5.8 Floraduo at 1200ppm. 180 watt led...
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    the newbie who reads and reads

    Also I have another 180 watt would I know if I need it or when. Thank you to all who have shared there experience with me so far. I feel like I'm on track just trying to stay ahead now.