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  1. Mashkiki'inini

    Rockwool seedlings not looking great :/

    Fly-High, you're the first person I've enountered that is growing with a SuperCloset. Do you mind if I email you a few questions?
  2. Mashkiki'inini

    Rapid rooter or nothing

    Do the seeds get soaked for 12 hours?
  3. Mashkiki'inini

    Rapid rooter or nothing

    Old school. Love it. After you soak your seeds in water to get them to germinate, you put them in the rooters and place rooters in a dark space held to 80 deg F. Check rooters in 48 hours and you should have sprouts. Correct? Are you soaking the rooters for 12 hours before you plant the...
  4. Mashkiki'inini

    Rapid rooter or nothing

    What do you soak the Rapid Rooters in? I'd like to use Thrive Alive B-1 Red, since I already own an abundance of it. Do you PH the soak bath during the 12 hour soak?
  5. Mashkiki'inini

    Rapid rooter or nothing

    Do you soak the rapid rooter in PH balanced water with nutrients? If so, what nutrients do you use?
  6. Mashkiki'inini

    Rockwool seedlings not looking great :/

    I can't watch the video right now, but I will later. I'm running a SuperCloset SuperStar, hydroponic system. My impression based on what you've said is that the system is designed around clones. You purchase clones and root them in rockwool cubes, then once a root system is formed in the...
  7. Mashkiki'inini

    Rockwool seedlings not looking great :/

    If one grows starting from a seed, the seed would be placed in a rapid rooter, instead of a rockwool cube? Once a root system is formed, the Rapid Rooter is moved to the hydroponic system?
  8. Mashkiki'inini

    My Babies are Dieing

    Link to a description of my current grow? After clicking on the link, scroll down until you see my post. Let me know if you can't find it. Thanks.
  9. Mashkiki'inini

    My Babies are Dieing

    I will provide a link to a post where I have already provided this information.
  10. Mashkiki'inini

    Rockwool seedlings not looking great :/

    If growing in rockwool, does one use the pre-existing hole to place the germinated seed in? The pre-existing hole depth would then determine how far the seed is from the top surface. This may or may not provide the correct depth. What is the correct depth? I've been told 0.25" from the top...
  11. Mashkiki'inini


    If you one waters a plant with Technaflora Thrive Alive B-1, is this a substitute for a micronutrient?
  12. Mashkiki'inini

    My Babies are Dieing

    I'm in a similar position and need help. I have one seed of fifteen seeds that has sprouted into a plant. The plant is shown in the photo above with a few leaves, yet no roots are protruding from the bottom of the rockwool cube for this plant. I was hoping that this plant would have formed a...
  13. Mashkiki'inini

    Rockwool seedlings not looking great :/

    Can someone confirm that if a seed is germinated in rockwool that it has the potential to grow a stem instead of growing roots? I've never heard of this? If this is true, how is it prevented?
  14. Mashkiki'inini


    I have a few sets of leave on one plant. This same plant has no roots protruding from the rockwool cube. What do I do now?
  15. Mashkiki'inini

    Posting Pics

    Can anyone help answer the question I posed above?
  16. Mashkiki'inini


    Do you or anyone else know of a correct way to transplant a seed germinated in a paper towel into a rockwool cube? Can you share a thread or article on how to do this?
  17. Mashkiki'inini


    How do you correctly grow with rockwool?
  18. Mashkiki'inini

    purchases from

    Has anyone made any purchases from (seeds, clones and teens)? If so, what did you buy and how was your experience?
  19. Mashkiki'inini

    Need help with germination...

    I have 100% success with germinating in rockwool cubes, however I'm unable to get the seed to form roots or grow, consistently. Some seeds will sprout, others do not. If rapid rooters soaked in azoz are required to form a strong root system, why are there individuals on YouTube that claim they...
  20. Mashkiki'inini

    Need help with germination...

    Thanks. My setup is correct then. Heating pad is set to 80 Deg F and my temp/humidity monitor is registering 77 Deg F and 50% humidity, inside the grow closet. The temp and humidity under the dome my be hotter and more humid then this. My understanding is that the ideal temp is 80 deg F and 60%...