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  1. Mashkiki'inini

    Need help with germination...

    I have a premature plant that has 4 sets of leaves and is between 3 inches and 4 inches. This plant doesn't have any roots eminating from the bottom or sides of the rockwool cube. Should this plant be removed from the dome and placed in the hydroponic system?
  2. Mashkiki'inini

    Need help with germination...

    What temp should the heating pad be set at?
  3. Mashkiki'inini

    Need help with germination...

    How does one specifically utilize this product?
  4. Mashkiki'inini

    Need help with germination...

    I'm not concerned with the possibility of growing male plants since I'm using feminized seeds. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
  5. Mashkiki'inini

    Need help with germination...

    Please provide a link for rapid rooters. I'm not familiar with them. Thanks.
  6. Mashkiki'inini

    Need help with germination...

    I'm using a hydroponics system. My understanding was that sprouts should only be transfered from dome to the hydroponic system, once a root system can be seen eminating from the bottom and sides of the rockwool cube. Is my understanding correct?
  7. Mashkiki'inini

    Need help with germination...

    Please provide a link for Azos, so I can buy it. I'm not familiar with it. Thanks.
  8. Mashkiki'inini

    Need help with germination...

    I'm currently on my second grow. I'm attempting to germinate the seeds in Grodan A-OK 1.5 inch rockwool starter plugs. Rockwool plugs were soaked for 30 minutes in filtered water that was PH balanced to PH 5.5. Seeds were then inserted about 0.25 inches below the top surface of the starter plug...
  9. Mashkiki'inini

    Posting Pics

    I'm going to try to post a pic. We'll see how it goes. ------- I need help. I'm only see the following on my screen: Link Is anyone else seeing the same error in their browser, or is it just me? ------- I'm now going to try the "Upload a File" option. We'll see how it goes. ------...