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  1. sMileHighCity

    Exotic Strain Reccomedation

    I've been running this and she's a beauty! check her out;
  2. sMileHighCity

    What dispensary has good clones?

    I almost always have clones available. Always healthy. And you won't go broke... I know you asked for a dispensary but...
  3. sMileHighCity

    Best Place To Get Alaskan Thunderfuck seeds

    Search Facebook for a page called 'JR's True Genetics'. Guy claims to sell original stock. **EDIT** FB page is gone and website is too. Must have been ripping people off.
  4. sMileHighCity

    Do i have this LST thing started correctly ?

    @tick tack toe Jinx. :) We said the same thing. I was just a tad faster :)
  5. sMileHighCity

    Do i have this LST thing started correctly ?

    Yes. But in this case it's not going to help seeing how there is no node below your tie. 'I' would wait till it gets taller with more nodes. Than you can tie it down in between nodes so those bottom nodes become top nodes. Not that what you're doing is wrong, I would leave it. .
  6. sMileHighCity

    2 sprouts 1 seed??

    All good...
  7. sMileHighCity

    2 sprouts 1 seed??

    Calm down man! Not sure why the attitude. Smoke some weed and chill. Email Franco and tell him he is full of shit. I am sure he'd love to hear your rant!!
  8. sMileHighCity

    2 sprouts 1 seed??

    Really? I spoke with Franco from GHS/strain hunters and he says it's very rare. one in several hundred thousand.
  9. sMileHighCity

    2 sprouts 1 seed??

    I am running a 'White Lemon' that was born as a twin. She is in full flower now and doing great. The smaller of the two fell way behind and I ended up removing it.
  10. sMileHighCity

    Aeration or circulation?

    They are more-or-less just totes of premixed water/nutrients. I am in coco and hand water as needed. All my veg plants get fed from one tote and the other tote is for flowering plants. In the past I have always used air pumps to keep the water in them moving around as to not let it get stale...
  11. sMileHighCity

    Aeration or circulation?

    Exactly what I have done in one... :)
  12. sMileHighCity

    Aeration or circulation?

    I should have been more clear. The reservoirs don't contain plants. Its just so I can have water/food ready anytime I need to hand water. I am in coco. Thanks for the input thus far!!
  13. sMileHighCity

    Aeration or circulation?

    I have two standing reservoirs and was wondering if it is better to aerate the water or keep it circulating? When I say standing reservoirs I mean; I fill my res and continue to use that for a week or more depending. Just wondering what is better. I know air can feed unwanted things. With that...