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  1. Grow4m

    Curling leaves

    Had the same humidity problem and went through three different types of humidifiers before I bought a bionaire humidifier that has digital settings. Works like a charm! I can't say that that is your problem with the leaves though. I'm too new at this.
  2. Grow4m

    My first Journal

    Is the picture supposed to mean something ?
  3. Grow4m

    Breaker tripped again.

    I would suggest you find a circuit that your bathroom is not on or..... Get you wife to shave her head ...... Or get rid of the wife! It's all about the plants! :lol:
  4. Grow4m

    How do I delete pictures that I have posted?

    How do I delete pictures that I have posted?
  5. Grow4m

    My first Journal

  6. Grow4m

    My first Journal

    Well my third plant failed as well but it was my first using DWC so I tried again! This following are the steps I went through to get to where I am. November 16 - I germinated my seed in a 1" rockwool November 21 - Took seedling out from dome and put under light November 23 - Roots showing...
  7. Grow4m

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks but I've had poor success with soil. I've read that but I've had no luck with soil twice already. That's why I'm trying hydro. I've started a journal in the forums section and I appreciate feedback.
  8. Grow4m

    My first Journal

  9. Grow4m

    My first Journal

    I've tried to grow only twice before this using seeds in soil and both times with not very much success. The plants germinated fine but when I put them in a pot and watered them, the leaves started drying out, curling and all growth stopped. So I decided to try a third time but switched to a DWC...
  10. Grow4m

    Trying to start a journal but having problems or the ones at the top of the page? i know right now youre unable to make a grow journal because you need to become an established member first but it shouldnt be redirecting you to yahoo got a screen shot? Thanks Sunni, I was trying to create a...
  11. Grow4m

    Trying to start a journal but having problems

    Hi, Newb here trying to start journal but when I click on my journal, create entry, I get redirected to a yahoo search page. Is there something I need to do to before I can make entries?
  12. Grow4m

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks. I'm trying to grow Afghan Kush x Black Domino. They suggested it at the head shop so I don't know if it's good or not but I'll try it and see.
  13. Grow4m

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello all! Newbie here. Tried twice at seeds in soil grow with bad results. May have overwatered the plants or put them under the lights too soon so I'm now trying DWC using pail and net pot. Wish me luck!