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  1. Skylor

    why does europe like hash? do people smoke hash in u.s?

    When that crack shit first came out, of course we had to try it, ha ha. After a few times, we found it did not seem that much different then just taking some reg. coke and sprinkle a little bit on the weed and rolling it up--B-52's my D buddies called the joints..this was a year or so before...
  2. Skylor

    why does europe like hash? do people smoke hash in u.s?

    Very good point, that was another great thing about hash, it was small and easy to hide. We used to use heavy duty tin foil to keep it. Just cut a small square of foil to wrap it. But that would not work well today with these hand held metal detectors.
  3. Skylor

    why does europe like hash? do people smoke hash in u.s?

    There was this compressed black hash back in the early 80's. My buddy got 3 1/2 grams for $45--back when a half oz costed $20-$25. It was so tiny for 3 1/2 grams, we sliced it with a razor and packed a small bowl with some bud, it burned for a longtime and was totally awesome. Never came...
  4. Skylor

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    I'm also sick of hearing how its the illegal gun owners who are the problem. The last few mass shootings here in the USA have been done by legal gun owners. In Vegas, Penn, FL were all done by legally brought guns, 2 of the 3 shootings were by middle age guys who never broke the law until the...
  5. Skylor

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    I think some people are all for more guns, so they can justify locking up many other people for a very long time in order to keep us "safe"...oh we HAVE to do it or there be much more crime, killings. Sadly they are right but if we were like Canada were its much harder to find a gun, well then...
  6. Skylor

    Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

    So the out going gov. signed a bill that will make proposals much harder to do. We now have to get people from all across the state to sign the bill, no more then 15% can come from one area. They are likely pissed off they did not do this 10 years ago when the MM proposal passed. Now they are...
  7. Skylor

    Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

    The Grand Rapids police chief is retiring, lol. More should follow if they no longer agree with the laws they are trying to enforce and can no longer do their job correctly. Why are U speeding and where are U going....... Over to my buddies house, to enjoy some bud he just "found"...ah Ok sir...
  8. Skylor

    Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

    If I go to a ball game, I gotta smell that stinky beer and if I gotta use the restroom, the floor is all wet from the drunks who can't piss straight... if they get a whiff of my weed if I'm walking down the street puffing too bad. If they can smoke their stinky tobbaco, then why can't I smoke...
  9. Skylor

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    So, the higher the tax, the more so other towns/cites will want in on the cut of the money. Right now some places are op out of having legal weed sales and will not get any of the weed tax money. The more money there is to get, the more likely more places will allow it...why the R's want to cut...
  10. Skylor

    Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

    Think about this, the doctors can make lots more money on U, if you wreak your bike and can not walk again, then if you just die from a head injury, so yeah, the doctors/hospitals are all for helmet laws, long as you don't die, they can make big money off you and your insurance..if you die...
  11. Skylor

    Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

    Yeah, they waited till the last day possible, no surprise here. I'm hearing smoking bud in public will be a $100 fine, no arrest, just a civil infaction..sounds too cool but then its all legal to smoke bud on the sidewalks and parks over in Canada so who knows what will happen here. Well it...
  12. Skylor

    Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

    True but are the cops going to arrest U or just give U a ticket / fine. There is lots to find out in the coming months I heard online, that the under 21's will no longer face arrest, they just be fined and the weed taken away from them, if so, great. It be more reason not to mess around...
  13. Skylor

    Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

    I heard it has to be by nov 26th, so Dec 6th will be the latest date possible...unless they try to sue somehow to stop it but I don't see how, it won by a large margin, not as high as MM did thave en years ago but 57% isn't too bad---I think MM got 60% yes votes in 2008 Once that happens, all...
  14. Skylor

    Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

    It likely drive up the cost of weed, more demand, not much more weed out there Over 4 million people voted in 2018, over 2 million voted for legal weed, right now there is almost 300,000 of us with MM cards, come in a year or two, there might be like 3 million people wanting weed---I'm sure...
  15. Skylor

    Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

    By the way, when do the jerks get kick out of office ? Is it next Jan. Its too bad they don;t have to move out this week
  16. Skylor

    Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

    Yeah it does look like the law will happen sooner then I thought it would. There is alot of details to work out Trump isn't going to help the whiners...GWB, yeah but not Trump. He beleives in state rights and what the people want, they should get it. Maybe no Trump hotel will come to Michigan...
  17. Skylor

    Michigan, The 10th State To Legalize Cannabis Recreationally

    Groups like Healthy and Productive Michigan are saying they want to refuse what the people voted for cause they don't agree with the new law. This is going to be so great..seeing them cry and throw a little babies who don't get their own way. Oh its illegal looking at it from federal...
  18. Skylor

    Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

    Wow, I was thinking it be the summer or longer. That be great if come Jan 1st or sooner, nobody could get busted with weed, long as they are 21. I can't see it happening that fast. First the R's gotta leave office, the current AG must be going nuts right now--maybe he move out of state, ha...
  19. Skylor

    Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

    I got some $89 oz, got 2 different half's oz for $95 after tax. Its not that fn bad, no its not somthing to brag about but the shit works. I found stuff for $125 an oz and I thought it was just fine, maybe great--stuff that was $200 on sale for 125. Its all buds, not shake, even the $89...
  20. Skylor

    Michigan, The 10th State To Legalize Cannabis Recreationally

    Just think of all the tourist every weekend coming from out of state to enjoy the new freedom. No wonder traffic accidents went up like 6% in states with legal weed, traffic likely went up 50% in some places near the state borders.