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  1. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    To be honest, I'm just really confused now...:hump: Edit - Wrong emote. Oh well.
  2. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    "Silky Shagsalot is a massive idiot" seems to be a pretty common one.
  3. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    I guess it's the "Canadians are the friendliest" theory at work(but it's definitely true if you ask me). I mean, you called my son crazy for cutting but I'm still talking to you. So I'm not a total dick haha. And even dicks need ropes sometimes, hopefully you have someone other than ol' Sammy...
  4. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    It is a possibility that mental illness runs in the family. That's kind of why I'm worried.Suicide runs in the family, and if history repeats, I should be next. Of course I'm not going to let that happen to me for the sake of my son, but I'm not going to let it happen to my son either.
  5. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Hopefully off a cliff(sorry he struck a nerve).
  6. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Sadly, this is the truth. Oh well, such is life.
  7. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Well this thread kind of went off track.
  8. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Yeah I can't really tell if he's being legit or not, but I can respect his opinion either way, I suppose.
  9. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Not quite sure how to reply to that but I guess that's one way of looking at the situation.
  10. Yessicat

    Cannabis for mental illness

    Hahaha, sounds like a fun time over at Tote n Talk :D
  11. Yessicat

    Cannabis for mental illness

    Mother of three chiming in here(just to show my age, haha). Cannabis as treatment for mental illness. Do you suffer from mental illness? Depression(although not for a few years), anxiety, anorexia and insomnia(although as leaffan said, I'm not sure if this counts) Have you been treated with...
  12. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    The first time I heard of him self harming was when he came into my room in the middle of the night and whispered "I cut too deep, I need to go to a hospital"... I wish I never had to hear those words, but I'm glad that he doesn't have to suffer in absolute silence anymore, I suppose.. During...
  13. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    I mean, he does cut...he's been admitted to a psychiatric ward for attempting suicide... I usually don't mention that because I get a lot of "marijuana isn't good for suicidal people" and "marijuana will kill your kid faster". Like, I don't know how I can describe his mental state other than...
  14. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    I'm laughing so hard right now, this is too funny lmao.
  15. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Isn't that true! Honestly, what a lot of people just need to is "get out of their own lives" for an hour or two. I don't know if that makes sense, but cannabis is a pretty good way of doing that. It's just that I know my son's going to smoke weed in the future, because it helps him do just...
  16. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    I can definitely respect your current view on the subject. I guess we can agree to disagree! I really wouldn't be turning to cannabis if I didn't genuinely fear for my child. I guess we'll just keep searching for a doctor :)
  17. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    I am the liquor, Randy. You hear that? That's the sound of the shit winds. (my favourite show :D )
  18. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Both him and I are fully aware that cannabis isn't a "cure". He's been in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and seeing a regular therapist for about a year, and he says that it's difficult trying to talk through his emotions and feelings when he's still feeling them. I think the exact words he used...
  19. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Oh believe me, I'm not just taking everything out of his mouth as the truth. He's very open and tells me what he's feeling, his symptoms, etc, but the reason I say I don't know how he feels is just because I really don't know what's true and what's not. Of course I believe him when he tells me...
  20. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    I'm definitely for cancer patients receiving MMJ, but I fail to see why mental health issues shouldn't be viewed in a similar light. I get why they should be viewed differently, but I think the outcome, or the prescription, should more or less be treated the same way. Coming from my...