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  1. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Thanks. I think I'll be needing some luck after reading all this, haha.
  2. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    As in the mental health issues? Yes, in that respect nothing has changed.
  3. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Correct. We're family-friends with that family.
  4. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    He saw a physiotherapist initially after the injury, and nothing came of it. We stuck with her for a few months but he decided that he didn't see a change.
  5. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    There's two kids. One, not mine, who got a signature from Dr. Abbasi. And the other, who is in fact my son, who can't get a signature because Dr. Abbasi doesn't do MMR anymore. I'm not related to the kid who got the signature at all. (Sorry for the confusion).
  6. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    I've actually looked into that! We went for acupuncture and a professional massage earlier this summer. I mean, it felt amazing for me, but he said he didn't get any long-term relief. Yeah. I mean, I haven't talked to a whole ton of doctors regarding this, so I don't truly know how rare it is...
  7. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    I asked his receptionist the same question, and she just referred me to a few CCs in Toronto. It's a shame though.
  8. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    I mean, it's not as if we've just ignored the matter. He's had several appointments and a few MRIs, but nothing was diagnosed. I can't really count it as an illness for this topic if he wasn't diagnosed with anything.
  9. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Yeah, I know the doctor already. His name is Dr. Khawar Abbasi of Fieldgate Medical Clinic in Mississauga. Recently, however, he's stopped accepting patients for MMJ. I talked to him personally and he said regardless of the patient(I originally talked to him using myself as the patient, not my...
  10. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Yeah. It's not a common occurrence, but it's happened in the past. We've just got to make it happen again :)
  11. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Ah, actually I know a kid a city over who at aged 14 got his licence. I haven't mentioned it because the doctor that he went to to get signed doesn't sign anymore. It was Dr. Khawar Abbasi(?) I think, he's in Mississauga. I'm not going to give this kid's name out for obvious reasons, but it...
  12. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Thanks. I think we'll find a doctor eventually, it's just a matter of looking.
  13. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Sure. We've looked into his concussions of course, had MRIs, but we haven't looked in to the headaches that [may or may not] have been caused by them. He says they're not worth going through the procedure that his brother had to go through(concussions from hockey, headaches, then he had to have...
  14. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Yeah we've had many talks about this. I told him that until we find a way to get this all sorted out, I'd like it if he didn't just stop taking his meds. Once we do get legal though, he knows that he's going to have to gradually ween himself off meds etc. He's a pretty responsible kid so I'm not...
  15. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Christ, that picture scared the crap out of me when it loaded. And yeah, I've told him that he has my permission to medicate illegally if he so chooses, but he wants to get legal. As his mother, I of course want him to get better..but it's not like I want him to be breaking the law if there's...
  16. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Oh cool! I didn't know that. I'll definitely take a look at that. I'd kind of rather get it from a LP or a CC though, it just "sits a bit better" with me, I guess.
  17. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    He's actually interested in edibles because baking is one of his hobbies(I don't mind, I get delicious brownies :) ). Thanks for all the awesome replies, guys. We do have proof of illness, prescriptions, doctor's notes, and we could get more. I'm not sure about going to Israel though, I don't...
  18. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Yes, I'm fully aware of that. As far as I can tell from my research, the THC is the substance that causes the harm in young people, and the CBD has most of the medicinal qualities that my son is looking for. That's probably the first thing he brought up when talking to me about this :)
  19. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Thank you! Do you know if they accept under-aged patients? I know that it's legal to apply for marijuana(that's Health Canada's rules), but most clinics and doctors don't accept minors.
  20. Yessicat

    Doctors that'll sign for a minor(my son).

    Thanks. I just wish it didn't have to be this tough to get the medicine some people might need.