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  1. Alienjohn

    A Little Help With Autos

    Well, they are 7 weeks old today, there's been some nice progress, even tho they are only a little over 14" tall and there seems to be some nice flowering going on. The thing that concern me is all the crispy-dry yellow leaves - usually the older leaves, and the overall color is dull rather than...
  2. Alienjohn

    Mixing Soil

    Thanks, So no advantage to adding vermiculite at all? Any other suggestions Dr ? AJ
  3. Alienjohn

    Mixing Soil

    Guys, My first grow is moving along with a few probs I would like to avoid on my next grow. First, I used MG with time released nutes, didn't work well for me, SO I bought some Fox Farms, some Perlite and Vermiculite to mix up my next soil. Question: Should I mix these with the Fox Farms? AND...
  4. Alienjohn

    A Little Help With Autos

    Well, I'll admit to being a n00b, but somethings fuckin em' up and from all my research and comparison of pics of plants with similar issues, and the advice of so many veteran growers (although often conflicting) I have to think it is something explainable, even if it's ME. Thus, going forward I...
  5. Alienjohn

    A Little Help With Autos

    Just the stock Miracle Grow with whatever nutes it has in it (Feeds up to 6 months). My next run will be better because I have learned a lot reading on here. I just hope these girls make it to the end.
  6. Alienjohn

    A Little Help With Autos

    Ok so I'll drop the light to 18/6 and lst her better. Would you suggest I skip all the "bloom nutes" and just water as necessary? Thanks
  7. Alienjohn

    A Little Help With Autos

    Goddamn MG has caused me so much trouble. This was a lesson well learned. OK, since it's too late to move to better soil and since flushing it would just make it worse I'll just ride this grow out. I've been giving them about a pint of H2O every other day because they seem to get a little limp...
  8. Alienjohn

    A Little Help With Autos

    So guys, is it the consensus out there that I should flush my soil now? I am in pre-flower (per the pic above) and suffering nute burn or something. Remember, these are AUTOS and unfortunately they are in Miracle Grow. (A mistake I won't make again) I want to give them the best chance possible...
  9. Alienjohn

    A Little Help With Autos

    Friends, First grow in years, first AUTOFLOWERING plant. Conditions: From feminized seeds, 3 gallon containers, in Miracle Grow (>I KNOW - Bought some Fox Farms and good nutes for next attempt<) week 4&1/2 - Looking great to me, short but bushy, some LST, verified females. 400 HPS, 24/0 since...
  10. Alienjohn

    Need help deciding on a setup for small grow room

    I'd like to see those plans too Bro
  11. Alienjohn

    To Top or Not To Top - That Is The Question

    I think since this is my first grow in 30 years I will just water them, keep them cozy and hope they turn out well. They do seem to be happy, growing fast and good-n-smelly. Some of these other techniques would prob be more effective on a non-auto strain which I will attempt after this grow...
  12. Alienjohn

    To Top or Not To Top - That Is The Question

    Well, I did the cool tube thing and got it down to a steady 82 degrees. I hope that's OK. Have 2 Afghan Express and 1 Afghan Kush Ryder doing 24hr with a 400 HPS light (all autoflowers) Jumped grew 1 and a half inches is less than 2 days, and man, the smell. Smells like I've just smoked a bong...
  13. Alienjohn

    To Top or Not To Top - That Is The Question

    So you guys thing I should scrog but not top or fim, right? Sorry if my qurstions seem dumb but this is my first grow in 30 years :)
  14. Alienjohn

    To Top or Not To Top - That Is The Question

    How about scrogging autoflowering plants. Does that increase bud production?
  15. Alienjohn

    To Top or Not To Top - That Is The Question

    Hi fellow farmers, I am in week 3 with my autoflowering Afghan Express and I am reading many conflicting opinions on this subject. I am well into my 3rd sets of leaves with the 4th sets beginning to form, and I have a fairly confined space of 3x3x4 feet. Q: Should I top these girls ? I would...
  16. Alienjohn

    Newbie with problems - Leaves curling up

    Thanks guys, This balance of heat / cool is rough I already have a "fart fan" on the top, 2 fans for intake, four passive intakes and 2 fans oscillating. This 400 watt HPS is just so hot. Do you guys think ducting the lamp with the fart fan will give me the 10 degree heat reduction I need...
  17. Alienjohn

    New Grow Room Build 4 x 2.4 x 2.7

    I just got hard :)
  18. Alienjohn

    Old hippie, just trying to grow old with a smile on my face, Will try not to be a pain in the...

    Old hippie, just trying to grow old with a smile on my face, Will try not to be a pain in the ass. Brand new at growin my own.
  19. Alienjohn

    Old Hippie - Protested the Vietnam War in San Francisco

    Old Hippie - Protested the Vietnam War in San Francisco