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  1. Jesus Christ was atheist

    Need Help brown spots

    Ill try the paper thing when my lights turn on. but I'm almost positive i have mights i found what looks like an egg on one of my leaves last night. lol i never thought id be so relieved to find out i have mights. My nutrients are on point thats why i was soon confused when it looked like i had...
  2. Jesus Christ was atheist

    Need Help brown spots

    Hey guys I think this might be a spider might infestation? I've never had it before but i do see very tiny dots under my leaves
  3. Jesus Christ was atheist

    Need Help brown spots

    Yeah i grow in coco. I don't get it I'm doing the exact same thing as my last grow that turned out really good. Other than the necrotic spots my plant looks really good so leads me to believe its getting all the other nutrients just fine just not calcium. Ill try adjusting my ph
  4. Jesus Christ was atheist

    Need Help brown spots

    im in my 3rd week of flowering in coco and i started getting necrotic brown spots on my leaves about 10days ago. I use R/O water, my nutes are GH coco-tek, ph 6-6.2 After I noticed the spots i added 1tsp/gal of cali-magic to the rez, as it looked exactly like calcium a deficiency. However the...
  5. Jesus Christ was atheist


    I'm having a similar problem with my plants
  6. Jesus Christ was atheist

    My first grow (4x4 tent)

    Day 37 of flower These hoes have finally stopped stretching and are starting to focus on buds. Raised lights
  7. Jesus Christ was atheist

    My first grow (4x4 tent)

    I am still using the led light I just added in an hps for more light and higher yields
  8. Jesus Christ was atheist

    400 watt LED White Widow x Bubba Kush

    My first grow (4x4 grow tent). Idk how to link u to it but that's the name of the journal. I actually had to raise my light once I put in the hps so they're both level. I wasn't noticing any problems with my plants before I raised my light but now I do like having the light higher everything is...
  9. Jesus Christ was atheist

    My first grow (4x4 tent)

    Just got 600w hps yesterday Since all my plants were already out of the tent I decided to do super cropping to spread out the canopy and minor defoliation
  10. Jesus Christ was atheist

    400 watt LED White Widow x Bubba Kush

    Hey patchkid it's been awhile since I've seen your thread. Idk how to add threads to my news feed. But the plants are looking incredible! I started my first grow journal, u should check it out. I just put up a 600w hps right next to my mars 2. I think our gardens are similar but also very...
  11. Jesus Christ was atheist

    My first grow (4x4 tent)

    Looks like a (n) deficiency. Some of the smaller leaves are slightly transparent so I added a veg ratio 10-5-14
  12. Jesus Christ was atheist

    My first grow (4x4 tent)

    I decided not to start out with soil because it seemed like the most work with slower growth potential. I'm doing dwc because it's cheap and easy. However, it has more potential for root problems(which I had to deal with) because the roots are constantly sitting in water. Also, each plant has...
  13. Jesus Christ was atheist

    My first grow (4x4 tent)

    Sounds like you have experience under your belt. Yes I have considered getting 2 250w hids so I can get better coverage but money is tight for me right now and I think it would be cheaper to get 1 600w. I'm hoping I can get a pound from this harvest once I throw in a 600watter.
  14. Jesus Christ was atheist

    I feel like a weed plant

    I feel like a weed plant
  15. Jesus Christ was atheist

    400 watt LED White Widow x Bubba Kush

    Omg everything is perfect now! It looks really good bro. I know your plants are gonna love being closer to the light. Good shit bro.
  16. Jesus Christ was atheist

    400 watt LED White Widow x Bubba Kush

    Dang bro your plant is packing on the weight.looking good. How long has it been in flowering?
  17. Jesus Christ was atheist

    My first grow (4x4 tent)

    Thanks guys i really appreciate the encouragement! I'm really liking this led light I got because I don't have to worry about heat as much so I can literally put it on the canopy and it has 4 built in fans that not only cool the light down but circulate air inside the tent. My tent is 4x4 and I...
  18. Jesus Christ was atheist

    My first grow (4x4 tent)

    New led light 450watts my 6" carbon scrubber and 440cfm fan came in the mail today. My tent is 112cf so there should be no heat problems when I put in a 600watt hps later on. My fan is now in my attic pulling air through the carbon scrubber from inside my tent. last picture was taken...
  19. Jesus Christ was atheist

    My first grow (4x4 tent)

    Lol that's exactly what I'm doing :) low stress training and monster cropping.
  20. Jesus Christ was atheist

    My first grow (4x4 tent)

    I started off with a few clones I bought from someone at the hydro store. Same day I transplanted 4 plants from soil to DWC buckets.