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  1. mothmanmunster

    Tiger Bloom

    Thanks for the input everyone, you have all helped me out. Thanks
  2. mothmanmunster

    Tiger Bloom

    I've been searching around and I know how much Tiger Bloom to add to a gallon of water but I couldn't get a real answer on how often I use this fert? Once a week every time I water??? Any help would be great Thanks
  3. mothmanmunster

    Ahhh spider mites

    Ok never mind, I went to buy a bug bomb and I saw some flea and tick ones for a dog, and it said to not use it buy any open flames or pilot lights, and this is in a basement that has a furnace and we use it, so I don't know if I should use the bomb. I might need a alternate plan here.
  4. mothmanmunster

    Ahhh spider mites

    Thanks for all the help, Oregon thanks allot I'm going to get the bombs to nuke these fuckers. Thanks for the help!
  5. mothmanmunster

    Ahhh spider mites

    Thanks, but I am still not sure what to do. Perhaps I will try neem oil, where can I find it?
  6. mothmanmunster

    Ahhh spider mites

    I've just noticed spider mites! I know for sure I have them but its not a big problem yet..... So this is my first grow and I've been doing some reading and my plants are from 2 week to 3 weeks old, I've heard a 1:1 ratio of water and rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and mist the plant will...
  7. mothmanmunster

    where and what neuts?

    Thanks for the help, its hard finding anything locally at big box stores...
  8. mothmanmunster

    where and what neuts?

    First timer here and I am 10 days into a grow and everything is going great(I will take some pics probably) and I am wondering what and where can I get neuts because I want my yield to be good. Can I just get bloom neuts and benefit or would it be pointless without the other neuts as well? I am...
  9. mothmanmunster

    how much light time?

    thank you for the info, btw its white rhino.
  10. mothmanmunster

    how much light time?

    I'm new to growing, I just got my first seed germinated I planted it and now its sprouting up and its about an inch above the soil just getting its seedling leaves out. My question is how long do I leave my lights on this plant? Thanks