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  1. 32alphadog

    What do you love doing most whilst in a high state of mind

    wow, iv'e never tried that - whats ur best time dude?:-P
  2. 32alphadog

    What do you love doing most whilst in a high state of mind

    For me genrally watching a good movie, watching a 3D movie, eating anything sweet and being creative like making songs up while playing the guitar. But overall i just like to take things easy and chill .....
  3. 32alphadog

    What Should I Do?

    True the halogen is bringing some heat to the plant, though i have stored it in a coolish place with some good air flow and ventalation, so not alot of hot air heat is circulating the storage area.
  4. 32alphadog

    What Should I Do?

    Luckily i managed to get rid of 80% of the old roots from the other flower pot. So apart from that its just a bit mucky, but its doing well.
  5. 32alphadog

    What Should I Do?

    Yeah i agree, as soon as i have my bio bizz soil mix, i will very carefully transport he/she over. Yes i now have confirmation that my order will arrive here on mon/tue, so i will be able to get the cfl's on it soon....
  6. 32alphadog

    What Should I Do?

    Yeah you guys are right, i will continue in veg state at low temp and see how it goes. Im using a very small tooth pick just so that it stands a bit straighter because its curling down a bit. Would it be possible to transfer the plant over to the a new soil when my new soil mix turns up in a...
  7. 32alphadog

    What Should I Do?

    Ok to cut a long story short i made an order on the web and just after i got confirmation of buying grow eq and more, i started to germinate my seeds. Any a few days ago my order got delayed by a week (because of stock) and by then one of my seeds was completly germinated, it had a inch long...
  8. 32alphadog

    CFL Question:

    lol i just learnt from the site im buying from that red = flowering at 2700k and blue = vegging at 6400k. So theres no problem i can just buy an extra cfl bulb. Thanks for your input ImissATARI, the lights for the CLF reflector sounds like just the right spectrum i need.
  9. 32alphadog

    CFL Question:

    Hi, i am just about to order a CFL light which is 1bulbX200 watts. My question is (well 2) what spectrum should i get they offer blue and red? and finally will the CFL light be able to take 1 or 2 plants through the whole growing process? (both vegging and flowering)
  10. 32alphadog

    Newbie Grower Help:

    Yeah i wont get miracle grow, iv'e read your journal and it sounds rubish to use because of the amount of nuits lol. Hope your grow is going well, iv'e seen the latest photos and its looking pretty nice, great recovery there:-P. Orite thanks for the product name i'l check it out and read some...
  11. 32alphadog

    Newbie Grower Help:

    Also just to add, what soil should i buy? Should i get potting soil or mixed soil (with perlite and stuff)? thanks.
  12. 32alphadog

    Newbie Grower Help:

    Right i have found a CFL light 1bulbX200 watts online, will this be powerful enough to go through vegging and to flowering? OR there is a higher watt/lummens model which is 2bulbX250 watts? i am only going to grow 2-3 crops at a time.
  13. 32alphadog

    Newbie Grower Help:

    Ok thanks dude for the heads up. Its just that my friend has a halogen light that he can give to me for free. But as i iv'e now heard halogens sound shit. What about fluorescent lights there ok right? i am using 2 fluorescent lights (40 watts) for vegging stage for a while. Can someone...
  14. 32alphadog

    my seeds are not germinating!!!

    Im only a novice grower, but try putting the seeds into a paper cup. Use normal cold water and drop your seeds (carefully) into the cup of water. Make sure that the seeds are always above the water, so that there not drowning. If they do sink when you put them in, just get some paperor tissue...
  15. 32alphadog

    Newbie Grower Help:

    I will be using a rotating fan as well as some cheap ventalation tubing equipment as well, would this not help in getting the core temp down? Finally one other question, how times is it best to water each plant manually, as i am not using a hydroponic system. thanks.
  16. 32alphadog

    Newbie Grower Help:

    Hi All, I have just started a very small and low costing grow operation. Currently i am germinating my seeds (4 seeds total) 2 of the seeds have smallish tails already, wahay. Anyway i have my vegatative room set-up, thats no problem. But i need to buy a main grow light for when i reach...