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  1. miss marijuana

    how long before the buds start to show ????

    so its only just beginning lmao i thought it was nearly the end i have no patience lol well either way it will be beautiful it has up to now im over excited coz this is my first grow but so far so good touch wood lol :)
  2. miss marijuana

    how long before the buds start to show ????

    lol im growing in soil with fluorescent lights
  3. miss marijuana

    how long before the buds start to show ????

    how long does the budding stage normally last ??
  4. miss marijuana

    how long before the buds start to show ????

    no light leaks im so excited i cant wait for my girls to mature lol ;)
  5. miss marijuana

    how long before the buds start to show ????

    p.s do the pistils turn into buds if so my are going to be belters as there is loads of them on each plant lol :)
  6. miss marijuana

    how long before the buds start to show ????

    hi peeps i have recently (2wks ago)put my female plants on to 12/12 light to start budding them im just curious to how long before they start showing buds im so excited coz its nearly the end of a beautiful journey lmao plz help if you can thanks:wall::leaf::weed::clap::hug:
  7. miss marijuana

    do i still use my fan ????

    lol no i dont need too i just wasnt sure but am now thanks peeps x
  8. miss marijuana

    do i still use my fan ????

    lol thanks peeps ;)
  9. miss marijuana

    do i still use my fan ????

    hi peeps now im at budding stage do i still use my fan or is it ok to turn the fan off now im not too sure plz help thanks :bigjoint::leaf::wall::-P
  10. miss marijuana

    budding stage

    lol i have just switched to 12/12 im not using the recommended strengh just yet for obvious reasons as nute burn and i dont want to kill my babys ;) lol how long does the flowering period last or does it just vary for diffrent plants ?? thanks
  11. miss marijuana

    budding stage

    yeh i know about flushing the fert out the last 2 weeks with water thanks :)
  12. miss marijuana

    budding stage

    hi peeps how often should i feed my plants at budding stage,i water every other day so do i feed then or water feed water ?? please help thanks oh heres a lil bit about them fluorescent lights 12-12 on/off im using big bud bloom booster monster buds food hope this help lol :weed: :joint: :peace:
  13. miss marijuana

    Help me pls woman in distress

    thanks i will give it a go x
  14. miss marijuana

    Help me pls woman in distress

    lol i worked pm out after i sent the msg i felt daft,well i was using 20-20-20 at first but it burnt two leaves on 2 plants so i stopped straight away and flushed for a few days now im using a 10-5-2 baby bio i know its not right but my plants do look very healthy and there strong thats why i...
  15. miss marijuana

    Help me pls woman in distress

    what is pm im new to this doesnt have to be peters i got told that was the best tho,my crop is: 2 cheese 2 blue cheese 2 white dwarf 1 durban poison 1 white berry i have them on 16 on 8 off (fluoresecent lights 40 watt) im using normal miracle grow plant food at the moment but in the...
  16. miss marijuana

    Help me pls woman in distress

    :bigjoint:hi im just wondering im trying to buy peters proffessional bloom booster 10-50-10 but i cant find n e where that delivers to the uk could you please recommend somewhere that does much appreciated peeps thank x :peace:
  17. miss marijuana

    is this plant food right i dont think it is??????

    im gonna buy it now then if it doesnt matter what lighting you got i dont wanna ruin my babys so miracle grow can go n f*&k itself hahah thanks for your advice x x
  18. miss marijuana

    is this plant food right i dont think it is??????

    no ihave just checked that out its no good for me coz im not growing with hydrophonics im using a 40 watt florescent light and so far so good its just the plant food im stuck on but hey thanks for your suggestions i will keep them in mind coz im gonna try growing with hydro nxt time x x x
  19. miss marijuana

    is this plant food right i dont think it is??????

    but im not using hydrophonics im using fluorescent lighting does that make a diffrence hun???
  20. miss marijuana

    is this plant food right i dont think it is??????

    lol 6-6-6 i dont think so thats the sign of the devil haha i dont know whether to take you serious mr diemdepyro but thanks n e ways p.s peeps who much so i use thanks x