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  1. White widow smoke

    Whats going on with my plants leaves???

    Plant is generally healthy, no yellowing/browning, potted in FFHF, ph'ed waterings, 400W MH lighting, the new set of leaves the plant is growing look diff from the others that came, they look curled in and twisted? not the leaf itself but the direction it is growing . anyone know what causes...
  2. White widow smoke

    watering tips!

    Keep me updated man, nice stuff there! what was your first grow medium?
  3. White widow smoke

    watering tips!

    Those look delicious Lol
  4. White widow smoke

    watering tips!

    Lol, my pots have the drainage holes on the sides and what i do is get stove pans like the ones you cook eggs etc on and put the pot in that so when i water it will collect in that and also they have a handle so i can pick it up carefully without dropping or spilling then pour runoff water in...
  5. White widow smoke

    Is this a dude ??

  6. White widow smoke

    watering tips!

    If you have good drainage just water the whole top of the soil until you see about 20 % runoff. Think of it this way. Outdoors in nature flowers cant really choose how much water (rain) it will receive. as long as theres no water build up at the bottom of your pots, This will lead to Drowning...
  7. White widow smoke

    Is this healthy??? help please.

    My white widow plant is almost a month old, nice green broad leaves, has been under CFLS since sprout until 2 days ago, then i upgraded to a 400W MH system, non air cooled hood, have a stand up fan blowing nice amount of air in keeping temps around 78-82. Heard to keep away around 2-3 feet until...
  8. White widow smoke

    Need help..! Plant leaves yellowing? Branch stems redish color?

    Hello, This is one of my first successful grows and before i get into my problem(s) i will begin with my setup. This is a CFL/Closet grow. 60W CFLs Cool white, 5000k. Lights are at right distance (3-4 inches from top of plant) Humidity around 45-50 and temp around 75-82. Plant gets wind from a...