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  1. x1577x

    GOOD Movies to wach wile on psychedelics

    I watch A Scanner Darkly sometimes when I'm stoned, but it might be good when tripping.
  2. x1577x

    Where to Purchase Salvia

    Big P, thanks for the information dude. I just got off the phone with him and his willing to hook me up. Have you ordered from him before?
  3. x1577x

    Where to Purchase Salvia

    I'm really looking into buying some salvia for my friends and I, but I'm trying to find the best place to get it. Right now I'm looking at these two places online; Bouncing Bear Botanicals and Arena Ethnobotanicals. Anyone know if these sites are legit and has ordered from them before? Or does...
  4. x1577x


    I skipped the first few pages because everyone seems to be a dick. So, to answer your question, what you have should be vicodin. 5 mg of hydrocodone, and 500 mg of acephetamine. They typically sell about 2-3 dollars for a pill, but it can be a terrible addiction, which sucks. I just got over...