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  1. ThugMon3y

    We are change

    Ever heard of The Bilderberg Group...? Barack O’Bilderberg: Picking the President
  2. ThugMon3y

    Post Your Desktop Screenshot

    i see endgame on there...great movie
  3. ThugMon3y

    Post Your Desktop Screenshot

    what is that
  4. ThugMon3y

    Post Your Desktop Screenshot

    nice to see you guys still using Windows XP I wish I had XP on my laptop
  5. ThugMon3y

    Post Your Desktop Screenshot

  6. ThugMon3y

    I don't know what to title this..

    dude u gotta ditch her she's tied up, go to school and have fun
  7. ThugMon3y

    Help!!! Smoked today-Mouth swab tomorrow!

    there was a High Times that had an article about all the different types of drug tests I already threw it away but it said mouth swabs can't detect THC...
  8. ThugMon3y

    Help!!! Smoked today-Mouth swab tomorrow!

    FYI mouth swabs don't pick up THC...
  9. ThugMon3y

    worst day of my life

    drinking and driving is bad
  10. ThugMon3y

    crazy Obama supporters look what happened

    he will don't worry
  11. ThugMon3y

    I wanna meet people in humboldt area so I have some friends when I move there June09!

    i was just messin around i don't live in Cali but good luck
  12. ThugMon3y

    They were right, I couldn't vote for an African American Prez...

    good point, Barr is STILL a better candidate than McBama
  13. ThugMon3y

    XBOX Live Gamer Tags!!!

    ThugMon3y here...i only play COD4
  14. ThugMon3y

    I wanna meet people in humboldt area so I have some friends when I move there June09!

    sure you and your GF can live in my do we know you aren't a cop?:confused:
  15. ThugMon3y

    i love my iphone 3g

    do you have a data plan? Thats funny I got one but sold it because i couldn't give up my blackberry
  16. ThugMon3y

    pot + job interview.

    Quick Fix 4.0
  17. ThugMon3y

    Self lighting pipe?

    looks sweet, i didn't catch that on weeds though
  18. ThugMon3y

    how do the chinese type??

  19. ThugMon3y

    Racial jokes night at the laugh factory

    good stuff
  20. ThugMon3y

    So I'm torn on if I want to get a vaporizer.

    vapes are well worth it, my homeboy has a vaporbros and it is pretty sweet. Once turned on by the time you pack a bowl its heated up and ready, no wait time, and the smoke is totally harmless to the lungs, gets you SUPER high, and saves a lot of weed. Plus you can vape all your stems.