Search results

  1. Screwston

    DIY CFLS reflectors

    minus the fact that the tin foil will create hot spots and burn and possibly kill your plants ... ITS AWESOME
  2. Screwston

    help with big grow

    Since where your growing is detached from the house police are allowed to search it with FLIR and use it against you in the court of law without a warrant. Just an FYI so you better hope its hidden well. But probably not if where you live is cold. Because any heat coming out of a detached...
  3. Screwston

    legal bud

    Spice Gold and Spice Diamond are actually great substitutes for marijuana, it gives you an incredible body high and gets you pretty baked. Its Legal, and you can get it for half the cost of weed and smoke it wherever you fucking want. I've got six grams sitting next to me for when I want to...
  4. Screwston

    searched my mail

    They have more rights because you are on their property first off. School is completely different than the real world.
  5. Screwston

    Guns N' Roses are back!

  6. Screwston

    Twisted leaves.

    The only two things that are off are that for 8 hours it jumped from 82 to 102* and i changed from light cycle 24-0 to 18-6 4 days ago
  7. Screwston

    Twisted leaves.

    Oh and no its not twisted like that, Its less curled and more like a single diag crease in the center of each leaf . . . . . . . . . / . . / . . / . . / . . / . . / . ./ . ...
  8. Screwston

    Twisted leaves.

    it is perfectly surrounded by 4 23w CFL Bulbs that are each about 2-3 inches away from the plant, angled 45* so they are mostly recieving light from the horizontal side of the bulb
  9. Screwston

    Best Fox Farm Soil?

    Ocean Forest, Light Warrior, or Origional? Or whats the best soil all together?
  10. Screwston

    Twisted leaves.

    Noones had this problem?
  11. Screwston

    Twisted leaves.

    My first set of fan leaves got a decent size (for seedling anyways) but then I woke up this morning and they looked twisted. Almost like there is a DIAGONAL crease dead center in each leaf. with the result of the crease being more upward pointing leaves. Any idea whats going on?
  12. Screwston

    Issuess with gen?

    Has anyone seen that before? if the leaves are twisted should i be worried? Its like the leaves have a diagnol crease in the center of them
  13. Screwston


    bumpp? im ardy on the third pagelol
  14. Screwston

    How do you know when to harvest?

    lol im pretty sure if he doesnt when to know to harvest he probably doesnt know when the trichs look like theyre good enough to harvest
  15. Screwston

    Issuess with gen?

    The first pair of leaves got pretty big but then they started to twist. I dont know what it means or anything. Its like a half twist in each of the 2 big leaves, the next set of leaves arent full grown yet. So? is it genetics? is it going to affect my plant in the long run?
  16. Screwston


    The first pair of leaves got pretty big but then they started to twist. I dont know what it means or anything. Its like a half twist in each of the 2 big leaves, the next set of leaves arent full grown yet. So? is it genetics? is it going to affect my plant in the long run?
  17. Screwston


    what could 1 large overwatering do to a plant in the seedling stage?
  18. Screwston

    PH Meter

    Does anyone know if that Green PH/Moisture/Light meter they sell at lowes is accurate as far as PH goes? Its got two prods that go into the soil and has an analog readout
  19. Screwston

    veg with 2700k, whats going to happen

    Very slowww