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  1. Drlovekek

    Dry Leaves, Yellowing, Curling Down Leaves... Rockwool

    Hi, I have recently started growing in rockwool and I am starting to have problems. The plant seems to be yellowing with some burns on the tips, its curling down bit, some of the lower leaves have dried out and the roots have turned brown. What could be causing this?
  2. Drlovekek

    Plant Height

    but... how tall will you grow the plants before switching them to flower? Thanks buddy!
  3. Drlovekek

    Plant Height

    Hi! just wanted to know at what height should i flower them... My setup is: 120x120x150cm Grow tent Radiant 6'' + 600watt 6'' Fan connected to a potentiometer x9 Critical Mass in 8L Coco The past grow ive got some problems cause the plants get over the reflector and some of them were burned...
  4. Drlovekek

    Nutrients Schedule

    Hey ! Im currently making a Coco Schedule and i want ur opinions people, what will you remove or add, whatever...Lets go! Prevention: - Bio Potassium soap (Trabe) (Foliar) - Bio defense (B'Cuzz) (Foliar) Vegetative: - Coco A+B (B'cuzz) - Roots Excelurator (House & Garden) - Great White Myco...
  5. Drlovekek

    Drip Watering System in Coco

    Yup! Some help please?
  6. Drlovekek

    Drip Watering System in Coco

    Hi! im currently growing in a 4x4 tent on Coco Handwatered and i want to improve my setup and mount a Drip Watering System but i need some help with this. Lets start -40 Plants on COCO in a 4x4 tent. -1,3L Pots -The main idea is to water three times a day, with a minimum of 100ml per plant and a...
  7. Drlovekek

    Autoflowering Problems, need some help

    some help please!
  8. Drlovekek

    Autoflowering Problems, need some help

    It seems to me like a phosphorus deficency, some more ideas please?
  9. Drlovekek

    Autoflowering Problems, need some help

    Hi everyone, im having some problems with this autoflowering strains, they are at the end of week 6 till they germinated. Im growing with canna coco Feed them with Cal+Mag till raise 0.3 EC Bcuzz Coco A+B at 1.7mlxL till EC 1.0 Give them some Canna PK13-14 at 0.5mlxL which gaves me an EC of 1.1...
  10. Drlovekek

    Ready for harvest?

  11. Drlovekek

    Are this trichs ready for harvest?

    Ist a Moby Dick on week 9
  12. Drlovekek

    Still Clear Trichomes?

    Are this trichomes still clear? Its a Tijuana on day 43
  13. Drlovekek

    Yellowing Leaves and Brown Spots

    Any help please?
  14. Drlovekek

    Yellowing Leaves and Brown Spots

    Hi all, ive recently got this problem with the little ones. They started yellowing up and seems like theyve got some little brown spots on a pair of leafes. They are one OG kush and the other one its Auto Mikromachine. They are grown in coco, they're today on day 29, have been watered with only...
  15. Drlovekek

    Yellowed wrinkled leafes.

    Humidity its now between 55-62% and they still seem yellow/green and had appear some burn spots. Have been watered with EC 1.15 PH 5.9 Today ive measure the runoff, was PH 5.6 EC 0.30 to 0.50. Do they need more nutes? Need help please!
  16. Drlovekek

    Yellowed wrinkled leafes.

    Any other opinion?
  17. Drlovekek

    Yellowed wrinkled leafes.

    The temps are about 17º-25º and the humidity its rounding the 60%-70%. ill try to fix it now :D Lets see if i can get the humidity between 55-60% Thks for the advise
  18. Drlovekek

    Yellowed wrinkled leafes.

    Here are some pics that i think u can see more the yellowing
  19. Drlovekek

    Yellowed wrinkled leafes.

    Hi people, ive been sawing these days how my little girls started having a yellower green colour, almost all of the top, and some yellowing leafes at the bottom of the plants. Some of them seem like they are overwatered or something similar. Heres some info: Medium: Coco Pot: 7L Pot Watering...
  20. Drlovekek

    Nitrogen deficency maybe?

    Hey all, im growing in coco, ive watered my girls, with 1.0EC and PH 5.8 and they seem a bit yellow on tops, ive used Canna coco A+B Roots Excelurator Calmag Bio essentials Pro Silicate There are some pics Lets see what happens with this girls.