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  1. R

    Need help from people who grow autoflowers with miracle grow all purpose

    I got all purpose miracle grow water soluable like cryatals
  2. R

    Help on nutrients to use

    U grow autos with jack?
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    Miracle grow all purpose water soluble

    How long does an average auto flower stay in vegg state byw
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    Miracle grow all purpose water soluble

    Highly appreciate both of you helping me so when I see flowering start I add bloom nutrients? i am kinda new an wanna learn as much as possible Im not expecting a huge yield just a nice one I have an interest in growing its self
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    Miracle grow all purpose water soluble

    So mix it with the gallon an put into a spray bottle an use it every other watering and when that gallon is gone up the level from like 1/4 teaspoon to 1/3 or 1/2
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    Help on nutrients to use

    Is jacks sold at home depot
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    Organic nutrients

    I have soil i need nutrients for veggin
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    Miracle grow all purpose water soluble

    Thanks a lot, also do I water it everytime with the water with miracle gro or every other time an how much water should i be givin my auto flower
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    Miracle grow all purpose water soluble

    Do you know how much to mix per a gallon an how often an how much to water
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    Organic nutrients

    i need nutrients for autoflowers that are sold at home depot this is my first grow an dont think dynagrow is sold there so do u know any other that are
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    Miracle grow all purpose water soluble

    Can you tell me how much miracle grow all purpose I need to mix for nutrients in the vegg state , how often to feed, when to start feeding
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    Help on nutrients to use

    Okay so i think ima go dynagro what all do i need to buy to get my autoflower from start to finish
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    Miracle grow all purpose water soluble

    Thanks for the npk an this is my first grow an plan to use better more organic nutrients on later grows. By chance do you know how much of this miracle grow nutrients I need to add, how often, and when do I need to start it like what week into vegg
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    Organic nutrients

    What are organic nutrients I can use on autoflowers that can be bought at home depot or lowes
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    Miracle grow all purpose water soluble

    No clue seen people post different stuff my packs are individual an dont say
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    Enough light or should I add more?

    Yea i have 5 or 6 of those and thanks for the advice
  17. R

    Help on nutrients to use

    Happy frog soil, barney farms pineapple express auto flower, an cfl
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    Autoflower nutrients

    When should i add my vegg nutrients to my autoflower
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    Need help from people who grow autoflowers with miracle grow all purpose

    I need to know how much to mix with water and how much do I give to my plants and when I know this is kind of a nutrients question but tried posting there before
  20. R

    Enough light or should I add more?

    I checked wally world couldn't find anything over 23 watts an like 1000 lumens but i know there are 100 watt cfls an all Where do you get 8 socket extension