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  1. Worldseriesofweed

    Leaves curling and tips burnt. What's going on here?

    They looked pretty much the same minus the curling. I am not using any nutes and I am using tap water.
  2. Worldseriesofweed

    Leaves curling and tips burnt. What's going on here?

    I don't think it is. It's 36 inches from the light hood. Which has 1000 watt hps light. The temp hasn't been over 78ْ or under 57ْ. I'm not sure if I may be under watering though.
  3. Worldseriesofweed

    Leaves curling and tips burnt. What's going on here?

    Not sure what the issue is here.
  4. Worldseriesofweed

    Pot Saucers for 30 gallon smart pot

    I have been shopping around for some pot saucers that will hold a 30 gallon smart pot with no luck. The pots are 24 inches in diameter so I need something that is like 28 to hold it comfortably. Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Worldseriesofweed

    Pollinating for seeds - not sure if the process began ????

    The bud dont stop growing just because it is pollenated. Pollenating is easy, not pollenating can be tricky sometimes.
  6. Worldseriesofweed

    Yield increasing techniques

    I prefer FIMing seems to produce more top colas. Heres a link that illustrates it pretty well. I like to spread the new growth sometimes so you are only cutting the inner most growth(newest growth). This technique is extremely...
  7. Worldseriesofweed

    Brown spots and a random hole...

    haha sorry just read again that soil isnt the best by itself ive heard alot of people say it has nutes in improper ratios. I don't think id recomend using the FFOF.
  8. Worldseriesofweed

    Brown spots and a random hole...

    Is that ocean forest by foxfarm soil
  9. Worldseriesofweed

    Don't feel like trimming

    Anyone know where I can hire a group of these guys cause I don't want to trim my baby's.
  10. Worldseriesofweed

    How Much Botinicare Hydroguard Per Gallon?

    I am running Flora series simple recirculating at 1/4 strength. Just recently added diamond nectar recently don't know if that is why but growth seems to have sped up a bit. anyway a link to see my feed schedule is right here...
  11. Worldseriesofweed

    How Much Botinicare Hydroguard Per Gallon?

    Just bought a quart of this stuff from my local hydro store. Was wondering if anyone could tell me how much I should have in my res. It's a 55 gallon drum I keep it at about 40 gallons. Res temp has never hit 71. I have an ebb and flow system and currently am feeding 2 times a day. I am about 2...
  12. Worldseriesofweed


    Pics? Your ph is a little high.
  13. Worldseriesofweed

    alien defiency or what???
  14. Worldseriesofweed

    Ready to chop?

    looking great but you're not there yet. Unless you want to be. But I'd wait atleast a week or two. Those buds will fatten up and produce alot of resin in the coming weeks.
  15. Worldseriesofweed

    Leaves curling up, what do I do?

    What's your soil mix?
  16. Worldseriesofweed

    Problem with Seedlings

    Bag seeds will do that more often than purchased seeds(in general) also no nutes until the plants are bigger. Just a guess but i bet your seedlings hadn't even developed the single blade fan leaf yet. Get yourself some good genetics via online seed order or clones. Even you can only get clones...
  17. Worldseriesofweed

    Male or not?

    Probably a male. It's too early to be sure. Keep a close watch. Could be female.
  18. Worldseriesofweed

    Yellow tips, Curling leaves.

    give them less nutes I would say. That soils got everything your roots need.
  19. Worldseriesofweed

    First timer with an interesting problem...

    Also 40 percent RH is fine. You may have to decrease RH in later stages.
  20. Worldseriesofweed

    First timer with an interesting problem...

    Can't you move the filter outside of the tent?