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  1. C

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    or this guy (who spells both his first and last name wrong on his homepage LOL)
  2. C

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    when you say there are "lots of small LPs out there" do you mean already approved or still trying to get their license? and do you act as a paid consultant like these guys ?
  3. C

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    so the general feeling around here is that HC wants only big corporations to produce medical marijuana? why wouldn't there be room for small operations too? its a growing market after all
  4. C

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    ha ... that is a high number ... i think actually only about 500 have been submitted
  5. C

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    ya, for sure but they ( do say they have been successful applying as an LP ... so I wonder if a small one has actually been approved?
  6. C

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    going back to the very first post in this thread (though the OP has long disappeared) I am curious if any small scale operations have actually been approved or are they all large scale? by small scale, I mean just a few people with a few dozen plants. i spoke to these guys...
  7. C

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Sweet. Hope it succeeds.
  8. C

    LP's and Wannabee's Get Your Own Forum-Don't post on the PATIENT forum

    It's sad to see everyone bickering here. The new MMPR program is a huge change for patients and DGs which causes stress. Certainly some "wannabe" LPs are just getting into it for the money. But not all of them are greedy business types. Many growers just want to make the transition from the old...
  9. C

    got a slight problem with my vertical grow.

    Too little water is always easy to diagnose. Too much water can appear as various things, which can mess up your troubleshooting thinking. But it is easy to back off the amount for a few days to test.
  10. C

    Taking cuttings from clone

    Exactly.that process has always worked well for me too. don't give up on the clones too quickly.
  11. C

    can i start my seeds under 1000 watts of light?

    Agreed. reading helps. That book is a classic. Old but good.
  12. C

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    This is an awesome thread. I Just read it start to finish. lots of helpful information and links to other good info. (a good friend of mine has put together a group, and i have been watching them work for hard for a full year on the application. They are not licensed yet.) I would love to hear...
  13. C

    finally joined

    Hello everyone, I finally joined. This an awesome site and I have been checking it out for a long time. i guess some people call that lurking :-o. I know some of you personally and now want to join in. I have learned a lot here and will try to give back. I have been growing for years and am...