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  1. djflippalips

    Real AF grower only!!

    lmao like mine.. i love them to grow this way indeed, take my last post and your post... put them together and you will have the best grow possible for low budget.
  2. djflippalips

    Real AF grower only!!

    indeed i see your point but i look for a nice balance between the two i like powerful smoke without sacrificing yeilds, they offer many nice af strains, rare dankness hass some i really like and i wish soma would put out some somango afs would be very delighted for that.
  3. djflippalips

    Im back!!!

    pics number 1,25,28, and 35 are all the critical mass. they are doing great, really love the strain it is very resistant to almost anything, smells good looks good man if you are planing on this strain then u are on the right track i would always recommend this strain to others because it gives...
  4. djflippalips

    Real AF grower only!!

    attitude has a awesome af strain i wanna try called dark devil looks like it would be good smoke, my white widows are af and doin amazing.
  5. djflippalips

    Im back!!!

    indeed i am plans for full cycle go in to effect after the batch is complete, then will be harvesting every 3 months or so, and will update regularly, and yes this thread was not started for babbyback bullshit, the dude has a point i have trimmed regularly and i mean come on now my buds are...
  6. djflippalips

    Im back!!!

    hello fellow farmers, Now i have been quite busy since i had last posted anything on here but i didnt forget about you guys... The last posts were from a previous grow which happen to be my fist grow, do to certain circumstances i had do take the crop down and trash it... the whole thing was...
  7. djflippalips

    first outdoor.....

    k so i have like 20 bagseeds grew them indoors for about 2 weeks and just recently put them out side.... ik that pot is very unpridictable but if anyone has done the same give me some info on about how bug they got aand how the yeild was.... all the seeds were from some good stinky green and...
  8. djflippalips

    1st outdoor grow 2010

    k i live in new york and i plan to have a good harvest b4 winter... when is the best time to plant to ensure a steady plant growth and yeild for this year.... dont know much about outdoor i heard its not that hard tho... i have been growin indoor for a while now and have 3 really good harvests...
  9. djflippalips

    Blue mystic indoor grow "1 month"

    started budding about 4 days ago and already im seeing some good stuff ill let them get a lil bigger then ill post so u guys can see the sweetness.... :)
  10. djflippalips

    Blue mystic indoor grow "1 month"

    it maybe the nutes im useing... also ever since i started growing back in the day i have always sprayed my plats with filtered water man habbit but for as the over watering... i might be a lil but im also very generace when it comes to water for my plants u kno
  11. djflippalips

    Blue mystic indoor grow "1 month"

    feel free to leave any advice if u feel nessesary
  12. djflippalips

    Blue mystic indoor grow "1 month"

    ok guys my new grow is up and running here is a few pics from 1 week and 1 month into my grows, just to give you guys an idea of whats happend in the last few weeks.... ENJOYbongsmilie
  13. djflippalips

    new growwith pics

    ooo ik lol not my first time growing man
  14. djflippalips

    new growwith pics

    the start of my new grow journal good times and good harvest to come. growing: feminized blue mystic seeds from nirvana. lighting: homemade t5 4 bulb media: mixture of organic soil and expanded clay pellets. i have been growing these beauties for 2 weeks and so far so good also just dropped...
  15. djflippalips

    problem venting....

    i also had a grow a few months ago in my basement and it did not stink at all but when the buds were done and done curing they smelled soooooo good and they were very pungent like a deisel smell but now i am growing in the up stairs of my house in a closet and need to know some good tips im mean...
  16. djflippalips

    problem venting....

    im growing two mother plants they r blue mystic seeds from nirvana and they said it had low odour in the first place and for right now i am using t5 for veg but im going to use a 400 or 600 w hps im not sure yet...
  17. djflippalips

    vent question

    is there an alternative to using a charcole filter>?
  18. djflippalips

    problem venting....

    dont have one thats y i made the tread man to see if there is an alternative im broke and with child i wanna grow some head smoke
  19. djflippalips

    problem venting....

    no i live in a house but my neighbors r just really close so i figured i would vent into my attic
  20. djflippalips

    problem venting....

    ok i need some input on how i should vent from my grow room im growing in a closet and have neighbors all around me and i have little money to do thid wut is your best suggestion?bongsmilie