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  1. Thelynx

    (18) Hawaiian Faanta *Compound Genetics 4x8

    I took them 69 days I think, maybe would have gone a little longer, but I had to leave for vacation. I didn't weigh them but they definitely out yielded the menthol x grape gas I had next to them. I did like the smoke on the menthol grape gas a little more though.
  2. Thelynx

    (18) Hawaiian Faanta *Compound Genetics 4x8

    Hey! I recently grew out 2 females of this strain from compound, I will say they both yielded very well and one of them had a fruit punch kinda thing goin on but if a cat came over and pissed right in it, and the other had a very very fuely smell going on early and slowly kinda became more...
  3. Thelynx

    Best cheese strain?

    I've grown out Greenhouses cheese, and it yielded fucking incredible...but after having real cheese and knowing what the smell and flavor should be, it wasn't that. I did grow an auto cheese a few months back that was phenominal, not sure by who though it was a free seed.
  4. Thelynx

    Sensi Seeds Skunk Kush

    skunk x kush is the make up of GHS cheese and i grew that out and it was truly awesome..i let it go 70 days and the calyx's got real fat. piney/mint taste smells like kush great bushy indica
  5. Thelynx

    Super Thrive

    i've heard about gravity and i heard it works great..also cuts down time on flowering but i think you start to use it once you hit flowering, also is thrive alive b1 red similar to foxfarms bigbloom (0.01-0.3-0.7) i feel like these products such as superthrive and thrive alive and big bloom are...
  6. Thelynx

    Help, plants dying with 2-3 weeks to go :~(

    hey your plants will be fine by the time they are ready to come off, i would highly suggest a 420 scope or some other magnifying device to know exactly when ready, i just got done growing cheese and lemon skunk from GHSC and the turnout was absolutely amazing, best nugs i've ever seen/smoked. i...
  7. Thelynx

    Best way to transplant without damaging roots?

    you should try and press in on the pot all around from the outside and if you cant do that very well i took a pencil or anything slim and small and kinda stuck it down all around the sides push out the bottom drainage holes a little bit and flip her over keeping your hand around the root mass...
  8. Thelynx

    Old pot plants good or bad?

    you cant reveg outdoors...sorry bro but what he told you was a reveg a plant its gotta go back under at least 18 hours of light immediately...and well nature just isnt like that. easy to do indoors though
  9. Thelynx

    fox farm help

    i used the foxfarm grow big until flowering, adding nutes wont hurt the plant unless you add too much...remember to only nute every other watering you dont want any buildup
  10. Thelynx

    fox farm help

    5ml of nutes per gallon, i use 1 litre of water for my 2 plants so i only use 1 ml of nutes
  11. Thelynx

    The Best Diy Ez Walmart Carbon Filter for Micro Grows Zen Style

    i have a question, are you guys putting this on your exhaust fan so that the fan is blowing the air past the carbon filter on its way out or pulling it through? also are you guys putting these on your intake as well? lets say i put one on the outside of my exhaust in the inside of my intake...
  12. Thelynx

    Growing in the middle of my room?

    just out of curiousity how would you simulate moonlight, i never quite understood why its supposed to be complete darkness when there is a little bit of light illuminated off the moon
  13. Thelynx

    BB x NL all cfl grow, harvest with pics

    i personally like fluffy buds, is cfl for flowering a cause of that?
  14. Thelynx

    Exhaust fan choices

    im building an intake and exhaust system and i plan to only have a 8 inch ocelating fan for my exhaust that im going to cut a whole in the door for it to stick out do you think i'll have problems doing this if i make the hole the perfect size for this to work? i'll be using a duct fan for intake...
  15. Thelynx

    BB x NL all cfl grow, harvest with pics

    very nice grow, im starting to think i should have went all cfl cause my hps is giving me some big temperature problems. This strain was always appealing to me when i was trying to choose a strain to start with, instead i ordered a plethera of seeds and was forced to start the only ones i had...
  16. Thelynx


    both have some good skills
  17. Thelynx

    Any criticism on my purchase!!!

    GreenHouse Colour Coded Feminised Cannabis seeds
  18. Thelynx

    Any criticism on my purchase!!!

    there are many different sites that have them, keep lookin around.
  19. Thelynx

    Got robbed! How do I fix her? ASAP Please!

    i would fuckin break that guys thumbs. sorry bro
  20. Thelynx

    Any criticism on my purchase!!!

    and yes they come color coded and the package it comes with has the key to which color = strain, i germinated 2 and both made it, the lemon skunk is growing slightly slower than the cheese, and looks more sativa even though only 2 sets of leaves are out.