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  1. P

    LST question

    Hi r.i.u. my plant from a regular seed. Lights 2 x 25w cfl , soil well a cheap one from local shop... my plant is old... lol about 45 days but it had root damage after transplanting , cold stress , under and over watering and many more problems... its my first growing. Today i start l.s.t. and...
  2. P

    Started another 12/12 from seed grow

    Damn i can't see attached pics... i would love to see how your seedlings looks like with 12/12 lights. Coz i'm growing on 12/12 aswell.
  3. P

    Plant looks sickly - anyone know why?

    Only one light with 850lm , cfl?
  4. P

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello r.i.u. Greetings from Lithuania. R.i.u. is one of my favorite web page now. A lot of info about growing green stuff. A lot of new things to learn. Im growing my first plant atm and i feel like im going to grow plants all my life. Its like a drugs. So riu is my growing bibble now :-)...
  5. P

    What wrong with my plant ? HELP!!!!!

    Leave town water in open canister in your grow place for 24 hours to get raid off CL. Still water cost almost nothing and its mutch better for your plants.
  6. P

    Plant Bent

    Yeah. Like a baby :-)
  7. P

    Plant Bent

    Get yourself a fan. Airflow will help for your plants stem to get stronger. Lower your light if possible. And good luck with your baby ;-)
  8. P

    Help! Black spots and yellowing leaves

    Can you post some pictures? Without pics its hard to tell you something.
  9. P

    help please

    Thanks for quick reply.
  10. P

    help please

    Its about 2 weeks old plant. After transplanting into bigger pot it starts to look like now. Transplanted about 4days ago... any chance to survive for my baby ? Any tips how to save it? Pic :
  11. P

    fuzzy growth

    Can you post a photo?
  12. P


    Well thanks again. I will get a fan a.s.a.p. , should i keep fan on 16h/8h with my lights?
  13. P


    Em... stupid question , but how fan will help with thin stems problem?
  14. P


    well im happy now. That was just my stupid panic than. Thanks for help.
  15. P


    So i need to lower my light or leave as it is?
  16. P


    Thanks for quick reply. I will try to do that. And what about thin stems neerly soil?
  17. P


    Picture :
  18. P


    My plants about one week old. Stems neer soil gets thin. I cover them with additional soil and now both plats leafs start to "look" up... Is that a problem or just my sick panic? Im a first time grower so be nice with comments please ;) and sorry my english is realy bad.