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  1. ToastyBowlDropper

    Handytrimmer. Have you seen this?!?

    This thing is amazing! I would so so so love to own one. the only flaw to this contraption is that it costs like 700$us. Its not really that expensive to make, uhg! 100 at the most per unit to produce. seriously. but anyways, its fucking amazing none the less. Take a look if you havent seen...
  2. ToastyBowlDropper

    Free hugs summer project

    Ok people, i have three months off until my next semester of college and it has officially dawned on me... i NEED to organize a free hugs gathering. It needs be done at least once this summer. I just want to soooo bad!!! even if its just me with a sign and no one else, i'll do it even if i have...
  3. ToastyBowlDropper

    Whats wrong with this picture?

    YouTube - A Grower's Lot PART-3..... .By JeremioDeuce ok, so if your interested in this as much as i am, please watch this video because i think i missed something. he dug a plot, had seeds, made 60 clones of a female plant... than had to pluck out males in his plot after he planted it. did...
  4. ToastyBowlDropper

    End of a sack eh...? START SCRAPING!

    well, my friends second grow of one plant... yeilding about an ounce and a half... has lived, died, and been consumed. so sad to have seen it gone last night, but than i remembered how many pieces we have... so we scraped a huge pile of rez, smoked it.... and now im scraping more. I have to...
  5. ToastyBowlDropper

    Conserving Weed... how do YOU do it?

    I keep having this conversation with my friends. The question is, what smoking tool (joints, bubblers, bongs, pipes, onies, blunts....and on and on) do you find to work best in making your weed last and using to the fullest potential. for me, i say the one-hitter is the best. use a little...
  6. ToastyBowlDropper

    Marijuanna march in minneapolis

    Today, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at least 100 people gathered to exercise their rights of freedom, to gather peacefully and smoke weed in the park. They than proceeded, with signs and high voices, to walk from Washburn fair oaks to Loring park across the city. There were joint passed in every...
  7. ToastyBowlDropper

    Good deal

    Yesterday, I'm sitting in my appartment, realizing I'm almost out of weed. Than my neighbor throws a dirt chunk at my window and says they're having a fire, so come down. So i do, Smoke half a bowl (it was being passed around, not my own) and i mentioned i was almsot out. My friend who i buy...
  8. ToastyBowlDropper

    Shroom Room!

    Well i assume most people who love weed, have had some sort of experience with shrooms, if not had the urge to do so... this being said i shall conitue this thread's purpose. I'm reall excited to be finding all this informations out on shrooms and how easy they are to grow... not to mention...
  9. ToastyBowlDropper

    This may be a stupid question...but

    me and my boyfriend are trying to figure out if you can skip the 2nd transplant and go right from a sprout to the large and final pot. he swears its better, but i dont think its as good. i think the 2nd pot helps you control the surroundings better and keep an eye on progerss. is...
  10. ToastyBowlDropper

    I'm so excited!!!

    I'm so excited and anxiouse to grow my first plant. I love bud, don't get me wrong in saying I'd rather grow my own, I'll buy it all the time from friends, but there is just something so romantic about growing your own and refining your techiniques that just gets me excited. its awsome...