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  1. Setadoon420

    bud trimming question

    that sucks dirty boy you always gotta go no rubs man...
  2. Setadoon420

    Need Help, FIRST GROW, 1 month 3 wks yelllowing

    I apologize brah but those are absolutley terrible looking. It almost feels wrong to look at them.
  3. Setadoon420

    Poor babies got burned :( help please!

    bump out of desperation
  4. Setadoon420

    Poor babies got burned :( help please!

    would anything else work besides superthrive? i can't get to a grow shop for a while... also should I wait to flower til they recover?
  5. Setadoon420

    Poor babies got burned :( help please!

    Sad news today - due to circumstances I'm too ashamed to admit on a forum full of growers, the babies got a little sun (light) burned... I'm just wondering what damage control measures should be taken? The first pic is the top of one of the plants where the new growth got completely shriveled...
  6. Setadoon420

    Great Stoner Quotes

    My stoner quote while watching national geo, "Whoa Dude....alligators are just really big lizards."
  7. Setadoon420

    question for those who "have a partner in crime" in growing

    I am splitting costs 50/50 with my good buddy and things are working out great. When we get the final dry yield we are splitting everything down the middle. Although I believe we are basically going to have a "community stash" thing going, or we might just decide to sell a small portion of each...
  8. Setadoon420

    Flowering, Low Humidity too Low?

    Hey I was wondering I know during the flowering stage you are supposed to bring the humidity way down, but is there such thing as too low of humidity for the buds?
  9. Setadoon420

    100,000 of us. and all we get is decriminalization

    The thing that really pisses me off about marijuana being illegal in the United States is that I have absolutley no "say" in the matter. In fact, NO one has any real "say" in the matter of legalization. I put say in quotations because saying things about the legalization makes the ignorant...
  10. Setadoon420

    transplanting white widow

    Yeah dude definitley thanks
  11. Setadoon420

    transplanting white widow

    I posted this in several forums because no one is responding, Hey everyone, I have 6 White Widow plants currently growing and they are about a month to a month and a half old. Due to cost issues, I used miracle grow soil from the seedlings up until this stage. Now that I see the importance of...
  12. Setadoon420

    Transplanting Q's

    Hey everyone, I have 6 White Widow plants currently growing and they are about a month to a month and a half old. Due to cost issues, I used miracle grow soil from the seedlings up until this stage. Now that I see the importance of good soil, I am going to be upgrading to Foxfarm soil. My...
  13. Setadoon420

    when you can grow like this come see me

    The fact that someone would come on to a website, where no one knows who you actually are, and post false pictures of how much yield "they got", and then give it a rediculously cocky thread name so that they get Electronic compliments that make them feel good is just absolutley ludacris. I would...
  14. Setadoon420

    Help Please! White widow leaves yellowing

    Hey - hopefully can help me out - yellowing leaves, i suspect nute burn - which is being taken care of, or burn spots from spraying with the lights on (oops!), if someone could take a look at the pic and confirm one of my suspicions or suggest a new diagnosis that would be great! Also a leaf on...
  15. Setadoon420

    Help Please! White widow leaves yellowing

    Hey - hopefully can help me out - yellowing leaves, i suspect nute burn - which is being taken care of, or burn spots from spraying with the lights on (oops!), if someone could take a look at the pic and confirm one of my suspicions or suggest a new diagnosis that would be great! Also a leaf on...
  16. Setadoon420

    My first grow i have questions

    is it bad that i like to look and touch the soil and plant sometimes? I lol'd.
  17. Setadoon420

    Will This Get Bigger?

    i really apologize for this but, thats what she said.
  18. Setadoon420

    Pics of White Widow 3rd week

    putting a bag over it? that sounds scary, does it work?
  19. Setadoon420

    Pics of White Widow 3rd week

    here are the plants... 5 of them are White Widow, the other one was a free seed sent by the site we got the seeds from - i'm not sure what it is, but interested to see how it turns out. Anyways they're 3 weeks and two days old, any advice or problems you see please PLEASE let me know! Stay...
  20. Setadoon420

    When can I introduce CO2

    yeah, i am using about 6 square feet, maybe a little less lol