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  1. Hasheesh

    Fertilizing small plant

    Im growing a very small plant and I have a question. If i'm letting it veg for only about 3 weeks or a little less then putting it into a flower stage to keep it short do I even add any growth fertilizers or should I just use flowering ones?
  2. Hasheesh


  3. Hasheesh

    what do you do after harvesting? - 2 situations

    The first situation is if I harvested by cutting the whole plant down and hung it.... I think ill just put it back into a veg cycle but im not sure... The second situation is if I didnt do that to harvest and I only trimmed the plant's buds and branches to get the buds in which case I...
  4. Hasheesh

    simple lighting question.

  5. Hasheesh

    simple lighting question.

    why are you asking questions on my thread??? ..and also what if i let them veg in an 18/6 until they are as big as i want them then switch it over to 12/12?
  6. Hasheesh

    simple lighting question.

    Will starting with the light at a 12/12 cycle make it veg less and be smaller?
  7. Hasheesh


    this is a bump but i figured it was better than making a new thread.... does anyone know how much bone/blood meal to put in the soil when it is time to fertilize them?... should i mix it with water and then put it into the soil or just directly?
  8. Hasheesh

    Is this funny?

    yd you post this in newbie central?
  9. Hasheesh

    2nd week flowering White Widow

    oh lol....
  10. Hasheesh

    2nd week flowering White Widow

    not bad... n thats some nice little grow room u have
  11. Hasheesh

    question about plant size

    well yeah but i didnt start growing yet but when i do i will
  12. Hasheesh

    How To LST (Low Stress Training)

    hey, does anyone know what to do after you harvest in order to keep the plant the same length because once the big stem gets to where it originally started, you wouldnt want the plant to grow anymore right?
  13. Hasheesh

    How To LST (Low Stress Training)

    lol thats pretty funny
  14. Hasheesh

    2nd week flowering White Widow

    yeah to much ppm couldve caused the yellow
  15. Hasheesh

    24 hrs of light... Bad thing?

    Yeah same here
  16. Hasheesh

    24 hrs of light... Bad thing?

    yes i didnt think it was the 24-0 thatdid this it might be cause the lights are to close
  17. Hasheesh

    24 hrs of light... Bad thing?

    yes it looks like your leaves are burning and turning yellow... how much are you watering the plant and what kind of nutes are you giving her
  18. Hasheesh

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    yeah i dont think its a lack of nutes though maybe pH or something in the water
  19. Hasheesh

    How To LST (Low Stress Training)

    can you do this without changing pots to keep it smaller?
  20. Hasheesh

    when to start nutes?

    after about 3 weeks you should start using nutes so ur almost ready