not bad payin my fines off and saving for surgeries lol. and yourself. glad to hear everythings taken off. always good to see an idea come to fruition. myself ive had to take a break from my book and everything. meh itll all be back on track soon hopefully.
:clap::clap: for u :joint:
i want to cry.. wheres all the eye candy im gone all this time and it seems everyone goes down hill lol j.j but true wheres my eye candy dammit
So hows everyone been
missesd you guys lol.. especially missed looking at ur tent westy. was gonna say cheese but that just dont sound right lmfao
not too bad ehy. havent been on in well quite sum time now lol.
been busy and a few life probs pop up but anyhoo. again not that bad thanks 4 asking and urself?
and no probs steve :D
the method he was refering to is making honey oil from alcohol.... completely the same but different to what i was explaning and i think it was in the videos (though a lot have changed i may make a new thread soon as editings a bitch to get accomplished)..
anyhoo im after everything where as...
the method he was refering to is making honey oil from alcohol.... completely the same but different to what i was explaning and i think it was in the videos (though a lot have changed i may make a new thread soon as editings a bitch to get accomplished)..
anyhoo im after everything where as...
migranes/cluster headaches, chronic neck and back pain, nerve damage, fucked knees and elbow, insomnia and some other mental shit to list a few :neutral:. the list goes on a little from there but im not in a primadonna mood atm lol.
i worked hard at every job ive done in my life no matteer...
don don don, stay away from crap, your body only deserves the best of whatever you give it ;)..... not a good thing to keep doing iif u always get nosebleeds bro..
theres va lot to know when dealing with other substances believe me i know... although rather simple in theory and that what...
basically if your in circumstances that dont allow you o grow to your best potential... take me for example still paying my last fine and then i get raided again. hense the ghetto grow was the way i had to go..... i cant exacyly set up my 3200w just to have it taken from me now can i lol.
thanks bro... to tell ya the truth i dont really give a fuck i just want it finished... ive been paying fines for stupid shit for ages whats another one ill just merge and pay it off like the rest. fuck just makes me wanna grow and fight for medical cannabis even more lol.
oh btw they added a...
MISSUSE OF DRUGS ACT....................not in my name they werent actually after me this time but its a long story..... the two others have there finrs, my mother and missud got there money and im waiting on my next court appearance in a month...
waiting on tests on tomatoe seedlings that...
hehe its a little like my germinating setup i had before i got raided lol, hehe when properly grown is out of toe ya can awaYS RELY ON THE GHETTO GROW
though i had a lid an wallsv holding in l.ight
hehe soon enough maybe you'll be teaching me something lol.
btw dont worry to much though ya could pm staff to change the name... i dont like it when people act all hogh and mighty even though we all do it at times... this is a cannabis forum theres bound t be mistakes people will just have to...