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  1. jtothej bitti bong bong bitti bong bong
  2. jtothej

    help me find this song!!! good eek a mouse trakc heres the one your looking for bitti bong bong
  3. jtothej

    help me find this song!!!

    EEK a mouse is the artist number 2 on the Eek a mouse self title
  4. jtothej

    SCROG, i made my choice

    CFLs do not penetrate like a hps hid light so the bottom bud my be stringy but if you have enough of them should be good to go
  5. jtothej

    If you could smoke with anyone...

    Albert Einstein
  6. jtothej

    germ to sprout

    just checkin thanks mang big ups
  7. jtothej

    germ to sprout

    so my seeds germs a quarter in and i put them in 1 in rockwool cubes in 4 soilof fox farm do they need light or keep n dark?
  8. jtothej

    rockwool to soil

  9. jtothej

    rockwool to soil

    that was supposed to be a question mark at the end of that last post ?
  10. jtothej

    rockwool to soil

    so no lights till sprouts
  11. jtothej

    sprouting and lights

    so it cool to put the rockwool in soil if the foxfarm is fertilized?
  12. jtothej

    rockwool to soil

    so my seeds finally tapped root and i put them in 1in rockwool cubes should i put in small foxfarm soil in 4 in planter around cubes? leave them out under lights? 4 cubes 2 cfls 100 watts. 6 in away...
  13. jtothej

    sprouting and lights

  14. jtothej

    sprouting and lights

    so the seeds just tapped out and i put them in a 1 inch rockwool cube should i put the cubes in smalll planters with foxfarm soil? or leave the cubes out under lights CFLS 2 100w 6in away
  15. jtothej

    sprouting and lights

    good lookin out! thnx
  16. jtothej

    sprouting and lights

    so after the seeds crack and put into soil what kinda light schedule is best? more like a 18/6? so dont the roots grow at night? i have two 100w cfls how far should they be from sprout? then once the seed shell falls off how close should the light be? when should i start nutes?8)
  17. jtothej

    calling all Phreaks

    its possible to spoof your CID (caller id) aka Flux ani # using Skype.... sounds like i would invest in a disposable celli for a while....
  18. jtothej

    VOte BoB BARR

    vote bob barr
  19. jtothej

    Fuck fuck fuck!

    send them to me
  20. jtothej

    veg to flower to veg?

    say if some random plants were found and you didnt clone them and you started to flower can they be topped and put back into veggie stage?