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  1. C

    First Grow...

    It's been only five days under 13/11 light cycle and see how they look! They don't seem to smell much, that's what bothers me... Does this mean that they are not potent enough or what? Well, i'm also happy that they don't stink, because i haven't set up a way to get rid of the odor yet :)
  2. C

    Is this a pollen sack? (pics)

    Well i'm interested... Are you sure of this? What would be the percentage of hermies from a hermie-female breed? I'll keep you guys posted. I think it will be apparent tomorrow...
  3. C

    Is this a pollen sack? (pics)

    There were males, but as soon as they formed sacs i took them out. They had sexed during when they were 30 days from sprout (under 24 hours of light) by the way:?: These are the males when i took them out, do you think they were mature enough to pollinate a female which had only a few...
  4. C

    advice on 13/11

    Nothing at all?
  5. C

    Is this a pollen sack? (pics)

    Well, thanks. Unfortunately there is no other place to put this greedy! plant but the window sill. It won't continue flowering at the window sill which has a weak indirect North sun, will it? I'll probably wait a couple of days to see if it's a hermaphrodite. If it is, i think it's because i...
  6. C

    First Grow...

    Well, the invincible Avarel who was the healthiest and most vigorous one of all might be a hermaphrodite. Look at this ball that has formed today on one of the lower branches...
  7. C

    First Grow...

    They seem to be doing ok. They have recovered from the heat stress i guess. Badly burnt ones started to grow new and nice leaves. Slightly burnt ones are already flowering, there are some fat white hairs all around them :bigjoint: Plants are under 13/11 for a couple of days. Constant 13/11 will...
  8. C

    Is this a pollen sack? (pics)

    This is the only one on the plant. All other nodes (except a few lower ones which have nothing on them) have white hairs.
  9. C

    Is this a pollen sack? (pics)

    Any ideas? Should i remove it from the room? What if i simply cut this ball? :)
  10. C

    Is this a pollen sack? (pics)

    Hello, This little thing has appeared on a lower node of a very healthy female which has white hairs all around. So what's up? I hope some chubby white hairs come out of this thing... Thanks.
  11. C

    First Grow...

    Considering the cost and difficulties in setting separate places for vegetating and flowering, i decided to use a constant 13/11 lighting schedule for the entire grow both for vegetating and flowering. It's said that 10 or more hours of dark period is good for flowering. Sativas are said to...
  12. C

    advice on 13/11

    Anybody know if 13/11 is also good for vegetative stage? Do you think "13/11 from seed" is a better option than 12/12? Is it true that indicas can do ok with relatively less dark hours? Any ideas?
  13. C

    First Grow...

    Well the ongoing heat problem seems to be partly due to styrofoam used as reflective surface material. Styrofoam proved to be rather insulating than reflective...
  14. C

    Is this a hermaphrodite?

    And the funny thing is that i had taken this one out of the room and put it at the window sill. The other plants (females) in the room had gotten badly burnt but this one was saved, now she's one of the most promising ones of all!
  15. C

    Banana Method?!?

    I've been keeping some bagseeds in a air-sealed jar with banana peel in it for about 12 days (banana peel is being replaced with a new one every two three days). The seeds will be sowed in a couple of days, let's see what happens. I'll keep a journal of this grow and keep you guys informed...
  16. C

    Is this a hermaphrodite?

    Well, i'm happy that i haven't killed it. Little hairs came out of those round structures which i had thought were pollen sacks!
  17. C

    First Grow...

    All of the plants were fed exactly the same way with the same fertilizer. A general purpose, 7-6-6 fertilizer with secondary and trace elements is used. There is something wrong with that huge one, i agree, and i like it :)
  18. C

    Ready for flowering? (pics)

    Thanks. Is it possible for some below-average bagseed to be of an autoflowering strain? I have some other plants which were seeded at the same time with this one but somehow got burnt under the same conditions. I cut the dead leaves and tops, now they're recovering. These small (wildly pruned...
  19. C

    Ready for flowering? (pics)

    This plant is 40 days old and 10-12 inches long. It formed preflowers 15 days ago although it was under 24 hours of light. Current lighting schedule is 18/6. What do you think, are these preflowers or flowers? Should i switch to 12/12?
  20. C

    First Grow...

    Well this tall lady seems invincible. Although she was the closest to the bulbs and all other plants badly burnt, nothing happened to her at all. But she grew a bit more than the room's limits so i took two separate cuts from the top (i somehow managed to have four cuts from this plant, let's...