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  1. PopaShank


    Every time my pump kicks on, my plant wilts! She perks right back up, but what's the deal? I cleaned my reservoir and flushed the coco/perilite media and added new nutes. Ph is reading 6.4. In week 6, was super healthy, loaded with hairy beginnings. Temperature? 10 Gallo res is under shallow 10...
  2. PopaShank

    Dabbing ISO oil. More like thick, sticky wax! Wish I could spin it clean. I want to make a...

    Dabbing ISO oil. More like thick, sticky wax! Wish I could spin it clean. I want to make a centrifuge. Any ideas for one that goes 12,000rpm
  3. PopaShank


    I want to make a centrifuge. I've got a motor that goes 12,000 rpm. I'm thinking it needs to have about a 3 1/2" radius. Can you spin ISO wax/oil? Mine is kinda black. Can you spin bud right off the plant? Dried buds? Clippings?
  4. PopaShank

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Did you ever figure out what the problem was? My plants are looking just about the same as your pics. How did you fix it?
  5. PopaShank

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    This Blue Mystic has been doing fantastic till just recently. Her big sister is 2 weeks older, and much worse. She is in a 5 gal bucket with 3 equal parts Coco, Perlite, and Miracle Grow Potting Soil. At transplant, I put a soil tab from Nirvana down under the tiny sprout. Usually she gets...
  6. PopaShank


    HOW MANY PPM SHOULD IT BE? IS IT DIFFERENT IN DIFFERENT STAGES? I've got both meters, ppm and ph. I added all the nutes from General Hydroponics Flora Grow system. I keep adding ph down till it gets to 5.5 - 6.0, I've got that part down. Then I keep adding water till the ppm gets to 900. My...
  7. PopaShank

    Blue Mystic AF

    These ladies are in week 9. A bit small, but looking awesome, covered with triches. I'm fairly impressed, seeing as this is my second grow. I've got a 400w HPS, a 250w HPS, and two 300w CFL's. The two big lights are up high, and the CFL's are down low. My first grow was plain soil. This...
  8. PopaShank

    Speed Haze smoke report

    I am thinking about starting a new strain. I am looking for something that kicks like coffee. I want to get up and go. What is the most energetic perk-you-up strain?
  9. PopaShank

    Auto flower Blue Mystic ahead of schedule

    Woo-hoo my plants are ahead of schedule, well into the flower stage at week 8. Looking forward to some killer smoke.
  10. PopaShank

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Ok, I learned something else about my last post, about the importance of flush/rinse. My algae problem didn't develop just because I didn't change my water. The main problem, and possibly the only problem was that I let light shine into my reservoir bucket. I had a piece of foil thrown over it...
  11. PopaShank

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Importance of rinsing media in an ebb and flow system. I just wanted to share something. I thought I could just keep adding water and nutes to my system without a rinse or flush very often. My plant died! It wilted and keeled over. I saved a couple clones, but lost the mother. When I pulled the...
  12. PopaShank

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    I use my closet, about the same size as you described, I just got a carbon filter and fan, and I don't use any duct at all on it. I kill 2 birds with 1 stone with it, and have it blowing on my plants. I keep the doors closed, but it is by no means sealed, and the filter controls all of the smell...
  13. PopaShank

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Dead plant! Overnight my best, biggest lady just up and died! I've got 3 plants in half and half coco and soil, and one in a hempy bucket in pure coco and perlite with a pump cycling 3 times a day. The pump fills the bucket up to an overflow ebb and flow action. On week 6 now, and the...
  14. PopaShank

    HPS bulbs getting old

    AArrgg! I'm having trouble uploading pics, sorry for all the duplicates, I meant to put several different pics that I just took a few days ago.
  15. PopaShank

    HPS bulbs getting old

    I've got several of each. The MH is definitely a 400watt, I only use it during veg. I went to a pro and found out my HPS fixtures are rated for 400, but the ballast inside is a 250watt. So, right now, my girls are still vegging, so I've got the 400MH and the 250HPS on them. The first hairs...
  16. PopaShank

    HPS bulbs getting old

    You're right, I went to the local specialty electric shop and asked about it. The fixture has a chart of the different temp and amp ratings for different wattage bulbs. That led me to believe anything up to 400 was ok. The electrician said that that the chart is for the fixture only, but the...
  17. PopaShank

    HPS bulbs getting old

    I got my equipment from a warehouse, a HPS fixture up to 400 watts, and an assortment of bulbs. I know lumens = yield. Of course I want the most. When I put a 250 watt bulb in, it appears to be brighter than the 400 watt. I don't know how many hours are on any of the bulbs. My question is...
  18. PopaShank

    AUTO Flower dilema!~WHICH LIGHT? HPS OR MH? and FOR HOW LONG??

    My fixtures came from a powerhouse where they ran continuously for 10 years. The company replaced them with all new fixtures just because their "life span" was up, not because there was anything wrong with them. And to my good luck, they gave away the old ones to save from having to pay to get...
  19. PopaShank

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    I'm like you, I don't want to read the whole thing, what is the DIY way to make an air filter? I'm going to need one, really bad here shortly, right now my ladies are in veg stage, and not stinking, but when they start turning, I'll have to have one. Last round made the place smell like a...