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  1. FuzzyDice

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    today i checked my grow i had one plant on the top node of the plant where the next set of leaves should of been coming up there where little balls instead of more leaf growth? what does this mean didnt know if its a male or what my plants have been growing for about a month and have been in veg...
  2. FuzzyDice

    1st grow bubbleponics

    my plants are now a month old am i doing something wrong im following the general hydro flora series chart for the nutrients. and im using general hydro. but they arent as big as they should be for one month. pictures are on my page for first grow any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. FuzzyDice

    1st grow bubbleponics

    thanks for the feed back!
  4. FuzzyDice

    1st grow bubbleponics

    hey im still waiting on all my supplies but im using dark energy nutrients solution. for my bubbleponics anybody know if this stuff works good? :-P
  5. FuzzyDice

    Best Game While Stoned!

    best is Call of duty 4 it gets pretty intense when your blazed
  6. FuzzyDice

    miracle grow organic choice pott mix

    alright thanks appreciate it guys
  7. FuzzyDice

    miracle grow organic choice pott mix

    the nutrients from my understandin is pretty much food for the plant am i right? and if so can't i just use i was going to buy this stuff at lowes the other day its miracle grow plant food but its liquid would that work? or what is one i could find at like a earl may or other garden store?
  8. FuzzyDice

    miracle grow organic choice pott mix

    see there is the problem lol i have no %^&*#$@ idea on any of that lol i am what you would call retarded haha
  9. FuzzyDice

    miracle grow organic choice pott mix

    see but my question is will i have to add anything to the soil besides water?
  10. FuzzyDice

    miracle grow organic choice pott mix

    so are you saying i wont have to add anything except for water?
  11. FuzzyDice

    miracle grow organic choice pott mix

    I'm growing with miracle grow organic choice potting mix. I am a green horn with growing basically instead of buying all those fancy nutrients will i even have to worry about adding anything? cause i dont know the first thing about adding nutrients or anything like that any feedback would be...
  12. FuzzyDice

    Getting started.

    my input on that one is but me also being a newb if its growin the way it is leave it how long have they been growing?
  13. FuzzyDice

    First Grow how does it look

    smoke did say when he first replied to my thread it still was a little small he didnt say yes flower or anything he stated his opinion that it was small but he said i could if i wanted to which is the choice i make and im choosing not to go to twelve im just gonna wait it out
  14. FuzzyDice

    First Grow how does it look

    see this is my delema or however you spell it i keep switching cycles i just want to know if is going to affect my male female ratio i hve a total of 4 plants
  15. FuzzyDice

    First Grow how does it look

    i started 12/12 when they first started but then switched to 24 up until yesterday for one day then decided to ask but now am going back to 24 will this have an effect on sex?
  16. FuzzyDice

    First Grow how does it look

    well i was told from a bad source 12/12 but now am doing 24 so will that have any effect?
  17. FuzzyDice

    First Grow how does it look

    not worried about ruining just the time spent on the project and after just reading your female thread you just posted there was a mishap with the lights so i dont know whats going to happen
  18. FuzzyDice

    First Grow how does it look

    no your not coming off to harsh nor nit picking i get what your saying i just really want to know my sex's cause i dont want to be doing all this for nothing i mean i have three other plants going but i guess i will just hold off but i really appreciate all the input thanks
  19. FuzzyDice

    First Grow how does it look

    but i have not actually started 12/12 yet i was gonna start tomorrow but it has been on a 24 cycle how much longer would you say for that plant before i swith
  20. FuzzyDice

    First Grow how does it look

    well i have heard from alot of people you can go 12/12 from seed just not very good yields i planted that one over a moth ago so its been awhile im not worried about yield right now i just want to get a routine down and make sure my method works for me like i said its my first grow so im just...