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  1. CerebralSpaceCadet

    Re-vegging a plant with no fan leaves.

    Thanks for the support Lime73.
  2. CerebralSpaceCadet

    Re-vegging a plant with no fan leaves.

    theres a whole tutorial on how to main line on
  3. CerebralSpaceCadet

    Re-vegging a plant with no fan leaves.

    Your welcome to all who laughed at my poor amputated girl. She's sensitive man.
  4. CerebralSpaceCadet

    Re-vegging a plant with no fan leaves.

    Will definaltly try it. These are some pics of main-lining with no leaves and how it looked it flower.
  5. CerebralSpaceCadet

    Re-vegging a plant with no fan leaves.

    I forgot to mention in my original post that I plan to clone if it doesn't look good enough to flower, or doesn't.
  6. CerebralSpaceCadet

    Re-vegging a plant with no fan leaves.

    Lol. Well yea it's bad, it was stretching like that cause it was my first plant ever and I read that defoliating leaves are beneficial. But that clearly wasn't the case. I guess if no one can answer my question, I'll use it as an experiment. I've seen people main line their plant and it'll be...
  7. CerebralSpaceCadet

    Re-vegging a plant with no fan leaves.

    Okay so there was a catastrophe that went down (me being extremely impatient) I cut the budding part of my plant. I basically topped my flowering plant. Yea I know super dumb noob move, but now that we are over it.. While the plant was flowering the lower leaves started crumbling away, it made...
  8. CerebralSpaceCadet

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    Ok so this is my girl she just started flowering jan 6th '14, she's def showing signs of nute deficiencies. (Pale lower leaves, leaves getting crispy, burnt tips) I'm not sure what's going on or why it's doing this now. I haven't changed anything. I just added three drops of nutes to my gal jug...
  9. CerebralSpaceCadet

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    So all of the seedlings I had were males :cuss::wall:, but my little ak47 showing beautiful little hairs at a whopping 2" tall. And my hairy Mary plant getting nice and tricomie. I can't believe all of my newest seedlings came out to be male. Shit sucks. But I'm sticking to just these two plants...
  10. CerebralSpaceCadet

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    I myself chose to do 12/12fs myself, no one is forcing me. And if you guys doubt this method that's fine, just come back around every so often to see how my grows doing. As as far as not knowing what I'm talking about, if you veg for a couple months then switch to flower it takes those couple...
  11. CerebralSpaceCadet

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Not sure about specifics and I'm a noob, but there are two types of cfls that people use to grow buds, warm/ soft white and daylight. Daylight for vegging and warm/soft white for flowering. Although both can be used throughout the entire life cycle of your plant and it will bud. I'm sure you can...
  12. CerebralSpaceCadet

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    Damn I hope some one can answer my question. It looks nothing like a female to me. Maybe I'm wrong, only time will tell I guess. I want to get them out before they pollinate. The bulbs re coming from the very top of the plant like when females show their hairs. Except instead of hairs poking out...
  13. CerebralSpaceCadet

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    Ok so these are my seedlings 1 month in. I noticed some have been stretching up a lot, I assume these guys are male. These are my "twins" you can notice the growth of the left plant. The same growth is on top of this plant as well. I looks like a "bulb" or "ball" Same two twins as before, my...
  14. CerebralSpaceCadet

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    And it's 50% because there are only male and female genes in the gene pool right? But what about hermies? I know it has to do with stress and other factors but wouldn't it bring the percentage down? Like 33.3 maybe?
  15. CerebralSpaceCadet

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    It was more of a retoracle question. But since we are talking statistics I have 16 plants all together, 2 of which are 100% female. What's the probability of the others coming out female as well? The other 14 were planted at the same time (if that matters to anyone, although it wouldn't make a...
  16. CerebralSpaceCadet

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    Extra happy today.. Got my second ever female plant. What are the odds? Both of my two first seeds were female! edit update* btw this is my ak47 I found breaking up some home grown ak47 my dealer gave me. This plant was stunted hard by means unknown, maybe it was too hot, maybe the ph was off...
  17. CerebralSpaceCadet

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    Ok then, scratch the nute spray.. Got it.
  18. CerebralSpaceCadet

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    Exactly! This was my very first thought. And if anyone's a breeder or wants to make their own strain, why wait? 12/12 from seed is totally possible and fast. Granted you won't get 10oz off one plant this way but it's the way to go for stealth and even breeding in my opinion. But I'm a complete...
  19. CerebralSpaceCadet

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    Thanks greatly man, it's awesome to hear my failure can help others lol. I'm going to post from start to finish on my grows. Come back any time. here to learn and for other to learn as well. 12/12 all day! Spread the word.
  20. CerebralSpaceCadet

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    Ok so I just looked at my tallest plant and from its first "pedals..not its first true leave" to the third node there are no leave. My question is will bud grow down there? Or will it only grow from where it has leaves?