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  1. projectearth

    :-( Help please... COVERED in yellow spots.

    Well... I havent any pics of the problem yet (will later on tonight) but itd be great if someone could give me some thought on the problem until then. ALL my leaves are COVERED in little yellow spots. A couple leaves each have a spot thats even starting to brown. This is the only plant i have...
  2. projectearth

    Over/under watering?

    Oh.. damn.. I have both. Spots and areas changing color.
  3. projectearth

    Who Has The Best Avatar?

    lol. Fine. This better? Hypno cake?
  4. projectearth

    Who Has The Best Avatar?

    Aww, dont be like that. It's not even like that. That isnt even close to porn. If anything thats more.. more.. artistic.. lol
  5. projectearth

    Over/under watering?

    Alright, thanks. Would you happen to know what could be causing the light spots on some of the leaves? In the last picture I posted you can see one.
  6. projectearth

    Who Has The Best Avatar?

    Yes. I know, but still awesome no matter how many times I see the two together.
  7. projectearth

    Over/under watering?

    Theres no nutes in the water, but there is in the soil.
  8. projectearth

    Over/under watering?

    Well heres some pictures. You can see the wilting and in one picture you can see how there is lighter spot on one of the leaves. Theres a couple more like that on a couple other leaves. Idk what that would be either.
  9. projectearth

    Who Has The Best Avatar?

    i think ass and weed is a great avatar, yes?
  10. projectearth

    Over/under watering?

    Ill post some pics in a few minutes. I only have one plant and im useing two 26w cfls about 12 inches away each.
  11. projectearth

    Over/under watering?

    Or could this be due to the ph level?
  12. projectearth

    Over/under watering?

    And so you know, I didnt plan on growing this plant. I found it in my back yard a few weeks ago and took her in as my own. Shes small, only about a foot and a half and flowering already.
  13. projectearth

    Over/under watering?

    Eh. I'm not really sure. Once a day to every other day. And I dont give much. I dont measure so I'm not positive. But I pour the water around ever side so it puddles a little and then soaks in.
  14. projectearth

    Over/under watering?

    I'm not to sure what is going on with my plant. Her bottom leaves are starting to curl at the tips and turn brown and one leaf above that one.:-( They are all kinda droopy. I dont know if this is because they are over watered or not getting enough water? Or even maybe my lights are to close...
  15. projectearth

    Remaining Silent..Literally

    Oh yea dude. I heard a bout that shit and looked it up a little bit. Apparently he started eating the guys neck.. you guys got some fucked up people over there.
  16. projectearth

    Found a plant in my backyard.

    Hmm. Ok. Ill have to go take a look later on. But as for the lights, I went to go pick some up yesterday and all I could find for the highest watts was 26. At 1750 lumens. Is this good? I set up two of them.
  17. projectearth

    Found a plant in my backyard.

    Anybody have any advice on what kind of nutes I should pick up?
  18. projectearth

    Found a plant in my backyard.

    Hmm. Alright. Well just since I've brought it inside its perked up and looks a lot better. I havent even got the right lights on her yet either, so I cant wait to see how she is doing after I hook them up. And i'll have to look more into this fan. I've never heard of it. I gotta try to keep my...
  19. projectearth

    Found a plant in my backyard.

    Yea. Id like to do that but that is the only window i can leave it in and it wouldn't get nearly enough light. I would say between only 6 and maayybe 9hrs. I'm not positive because I work a lot and I'm not usually here to keep and eye on that.
  20. projectearth

    Found a plant in my backyard.

    Yea, I've kinda worried leaving the light on unattended. But obviously I have been. How safe are the cfls? Is there any difference in safety?