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  1. catmagick

    Question for the growers here...

    And if the neighbors bother you, just promise them a sample when it's all grown up. Even the prudes get curious every now and then.
  2. catmagick

    Question for the growers here...

    no I'm not serious, are you serious?
  3. catmagick

    Question for the growers here...

    but if those companies can just send seeds in the mail, then why can't I?
  4. catmagick

    Where do you get your seeds? - Good Experiences... Please!!!

    how about someone trades seeds with me just for fun, I only have good old sa swazi but it won't cost u anything except a few seeds, and sending it in a small box to protect them I suppose. So anybody know anything about seed trading?
  5. catmagick

    Question for the growers here...

    hey korvette! I can see u online!
  6. catmagick

    Question for the growers here...

    hi, I am from joburg south africa, I am looking to trade seeds with someone, can u just send them in a small box or something?
  7. catmagick

    Wild Swazi skunk

    hi, I am from johannesburg SA, that is basically the easiest stuff to get here, u just walk down the road and talk to the guys around the fire and they give u swazi, I am currently growing 7 plants of swazi, from wat I hav smoked, swaz is really good but the guys we buy it from really overhandle...