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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    Well, considering i dont give my tax dollars to the federal reserve, im no slave :) You, are the one supporting slavery.
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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    Pay the government for approval? Where the fuck in the bill does it say you have to pay to grow your own? It doesnt. Dude, your scum, your pathetic. You dont support what this country was founded on, you support slavery. I hope you get arrested and go to prison and get ass raped.
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    Voting Against Prop 19 means :

    Ah ok, thanks for the correction.
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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    There you go people, thats whos voting no on prop 19.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    hahahaha. Nice! veggiegardener and Needofweed you guys like that song? I fuckin loved it!
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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    Well, i dont have a card. And I guess because i wasnt dumb enough to go to prison im a pussy, ok. Your the one who wants to monopolize the system and make dough off medical patients that need it, thats pretty fuckin pathetic. I think your the pussie for feeding off of patients. Thats low.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Yea the big corp fear thing is ridiculous. Its easier to grow good weed then it is to brew good beer. What they are afraid of, is everyone growing there own, and not buying it at ridiculous prices.
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    Ok, let me take that back, Needofweed has a small point. $1 is unpractical until the taxes get lowered below $50. But $5 a gram isnt over exaggerating in 2 years. Once the taxes are lowered the price will drop from $5 to whatever, in proportion to the taxes.
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    Well, the way i see it, the people growing outdoors are going to lose out. Once it passes people will be going for the best quality, the outdoor growers are gonna have crappy quality compared to the businesses in large warehouses. So the pollination theory wont effect quality only more plants...
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    What's Up With This?

    No problem wyteberrywidow. and remember, that other counties will have way lower taxes, so all you gotta do is move to the best county, and that count will THRIVE. Btw vertise, they cant tax home growers that are growing for personal consumption, only if your selling. Thats like saying, im...
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    If prop 19 passes, i can GUARANTEE you within 2 years it will be down to atleast $5/gram. Medical grade.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    You are exactly correct. Thats pretty pathetic isn't it? Not only are they ripping the medical patients off hard core who need it badly, they want to deny the rest of us our freedoms.
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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    Hey supremegreen, i plan on starting a business in cali once this passes, and selling it for $5 to $1 a gram. So, i will be making my living off selling quality herb for cheap, because, you people haven't figured out how to do that yet. There is a difference between making a living, and being a...
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    Sounds like your going to lose alot of money once prop 19 is passed Needofweed. Better start preparing your business and lowering your prices before competition beats you to it. How about, $5/gram, or......$1/gram once the taxes are lowered below $50 an ounce.
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    What's Up With This?

    Thats only for one county, please do research and back your claims up with specific data. Sacramento county only on that one.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Cool, thanks for the direct quote vertise.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Can you quote the proposition directly please? Just to be clear.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Well, it seems that they have taken it a little bit over misunderstanding and are now spreading dis-information to back there agenda. Sorry for using insults in your presence sure shot but i dont really respect people who spread disinformation for there own benefit.
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    Thats completely incorrect, no where does it say you have to pay taxes for your own consumption. Only if you want to sell and commercialize. Your spreading dis info
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    Voting Against Prop 19 means :

    mistaphuck, he is correct about the prices. For SACRAMENTO county ONLY. You see, prop 19 allows counties to set there own taxes, so Sacramento county chose $600 annual tax per square foot. So, who really cares? All you gotta do is move out of Sacramento county to a more reasonable county to...