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  1. Jimbob Hempplants

    Has anyone grown Dr. Underground seeds?

    I grew a time or two in soil, but that's been years ago, and always just one or two plants. DWC is fun. My current grow is in Coco, but the clones I get will all go to DWC. You can almost watch your plants grow in DWC. lol
  2. Jimbob Hempplants

    Still confused

    So that's what a hermaphrodite cannabis plant looks like, huh?
  3. Jimbob Hempplants

    In a very bad trouble need Professional HELP

    That's root rot alright. I had it on my first DWC grow. Dr. Pecker is right. I spent $30 or more on Hydroguard, and it works, but Hydrogen Peroxide is a lot cheaper, and it works, too.
  4. Jimbob Hempplants

    Power Plant Problem Puzzler

    I think so. It looks better on the newer growth today, no drooping, but the discoloration on the leaf looks worse to me. I'll PH some water to 6.3 and give it a little bit when the pot gets light. It didn't get any water today, and its vegmates got just a couple of tablespoons worth. I think it...
  5. Jimbob Hempplants

    Power Plant Problem Puzzler

    Yes, it is the curled, or downward pointing growth, and if you look closely, you'll see discoloration on that big primary leaf there. I didn't notice it until I put my glasses on and inspected it under the light but it is looking kind of bronzed or copperish looking around the edges. I...
  6. Jimbob Hempplants

    Power Plant Problem Puzzler

    OK, so this isn't anything that I'm overly concerned about, but I wanted to throw this out here for any more experienced growers that want to throw in their opinions and diagnosis on it. I'm thinking it is one of two things. 1. I've over watered it or 2. I'm about to burn it with Cal/Mag. I...
  7. Jimbob Hempplants

    Has anyone grown Dr. Underground seeds?

    I'm still a student as well. I'm just using a Sun Blaze I'm using Fox Farm Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom pretty much as directed as far as the ratio goes, except for the amounts. I start out with a super light feeding once the plants are at least two weeks old, but it kind of varies for...
  8. Jimbob Hempplants

    What do you guys think of my ghetto cloner, built for 0 dollars from junk around my house?

    Well, for what it lacks in visual appeal, the price sure is right! I like it! :)
  9. Jimbob Hempplants

    Has anyone tryed any of the purple autoflower ??

    I'll be growing some Blue Dream Auto next month, but I haven't grown any purple strains yet. I'm like you though, I really really really like the look of those purple buds! :D
  10. Jimbob Hempplants - Anyone Else Use Them?

    :) Well, let's chalk this one up to me being impatient. After I posted this, went to work and then came home for lunch and checked them and they've all germinated. 5 for 5 that I put in the paper towel. That answers my question. My humidity dome temp probably needs to come up 10 degrees or so...
  11. Jimbob Hempplants

    Has anyone grown Dr. Underground seeds?

    I have been changing it to HPS for flowering, but I have been growing mostly Indica dominant strains until my most recent grow. I have some Pure Power Plant seedlings that, should at least one turn out to be female, will be flowered most likely under MH if they look like they're going to be...
  12. Jimbob Hempplants

    Has anyone grown Dr. Underground seeds?

    Yeah, MH works with either Indica or Sativa, and the nodes will be tighter but the genetics of the plant is going to have more to do with it than anything. I suppose the best light scenario would probably be a combination of HPS and MH, but I just run one or the other, or sometimes I run the MH...
  13. Jimbob Hempplants

    Has anyone grown Dr. Underground seeds?

    As far as the light goes, if you're worried about the height of the plants, the MH would be your best bet, IMO. The MH will encourage tighter nodes and your plants will stretch less. HPS is more efficient, and your buds might be a little more dense, but MH is fine for the whole cycle too.
  14. Jimbob Hempplants - Anyone Else Use Them?

    Anybody regularly buy from They've got decent prices and freebies, but my germination rates have greatly declined since I started buying here. The seeds either germinate slow or not at all. At first, I thought it might be me, or I got a bad run on one particular strain, but...
  15. Jimbob Hempplants

    Is it just me..

    I had some problems early in this grow, so I attribute my constant checking to that. :P Hopefully I can get down to just checking them once a day, but it is really exciting for me to be doing my first grow. :D
  16. Jimbob Hempplants

    Take a Look at my poor plants please.

    Nice! I'm going to go ahead and order one. BTW, your grow journal has inspired me! I went ahead and started one on this grow since I'm so early into it. Will I save the plants or will I fail miserably? Follow it and find out! :D
  17. Jimbob Hempplants

    Take a Look at my poor plants please.

    I'm reading good things about the hydroguard, so I thought it might be worth a shot. Pricey, but if it works as people describe, then it will be worth it in the time and expense it saves me in the long run. I'm also looking at changing from the tub that I'm using to the five-gallon black buckets.
  18. Jimbob Hempplants

    Take a Look at my poor plants please.

    I looked at my roots a little while ago, and they still look dingy. Not as brown as they were yesterday, but I think that it is coming back on so I just went ahead and ordered a bottle of the Hydroguard. The reviews on it at Amazon are great.
  19. Jimbob Hempplants

    Take a Look at my poor plants please.

    @Terry385 : I'll keep you posted, and I'll keep an eye on your grow log, too. I'll have to try the Dutch Master nutes next time around for sure. I got some pearl white duct tape today to seal it better against light leaks. I spoke with a hydro grower in Colorado last night and he gives his a...
  20. Jimbob Hempplants

    Take a Look at my poor plants please.

    :D I am definitely going to do some in soil just as soon as I root some clones.