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  1. Bractman

    Has anyone heard of T-budding?

    they added Fish DNa to a tomato to mskr it more cold resistantbut they sucked ass and quickly where taken off the market. its scarry really not just jurassic park like but the whole BM food thing and soon no one could grow there own anythin if we dont watch out!1
  2. Bractman

    Hashish!!! Please Read

    Good Idea I see too many people out buying hash and not even knowing what it is or what they are buying!
  3. Bractman

    price of hashish??

    But... most people make from trim so 40-80 a gram would be fair and be found money lowest should be 30 -35 no matter how efficient/large scale of production.
  4. Bractman

    price of hashish??

    wtf? 40 how can people sell 28g;'s of what should be just about strait up, pure THC, cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN)and other common cannabinoids found in the trichs. Thats like 151 proof rum! The leaf dosent get you high , only the shit on the leaf, so when you smoke the high is only...
  5. Bractman

    Terminator seeds, monsanto, and Your rights as a consumer!

    the worst will be when they add male pollen to the shit already in "chem-trails" and fuck up all our grows. Dont think for a second that Genetically Modified Assasin Weed is not the next piece of hardware they will use on in this war against Green. Shit I hope I did't just give them the Idea!
  6. Bractman

    Getting a Card is too easy for ANYONE!!!!!!

    P.S. I';; try to ripp some pics from the cd if the imaging software will let me , the fracture looks so bad ass , but you wouldn't know its there unless u seen the scans , I think my eye looks lower /lazy but I am obviously self aware of my injury so I study my face more then the avarage person...
  7. Bractman

    Getting a Card is too easy for ANYONE!!!!!!

    I am moving to Oakland in a few months after my Uncles family moves out to SF in late AUG. I have a grab-bag of reasons I use pot Ie. various Mental health issues (one of which I get SSi/SSD for(bipolar) which is my only income so naturally I will have a Medicare card and will get a Med-Cal...
  8. Bractman

    can you tell the difference between MH buds and HPs Buds?

    alls good I was drunk that day , so i was saying a bunch of stupid shit too , cause the thread was mad hype!! try even just a 1/4 or 1/3 turn or change up the locating with a plant in a different spot. peace
  9. Bractman

    Accidently Broke Stem in Flowering

    a little match stick or similar rigid device helps along with the tape , i prefer masking tape easier to remove but not as sticky and and can dry out under the light and come undone so sometimes you have to redo it but I have rebroke stems in other places trying to remove duct tape that is too...
  10. Bractman

    can you tell the difference between MH buds and HPs Buds?

    dont do that half of the year I am an over the road trucker , I own my own rig
  11. Bractman

    can you tell the difference between MH buds and HPs Buds?

    your girls do a little turn on the cat walk ? huh try 180
  12. Bractman

    can you tell the difference between MH buds and HPs Buds?

    Cfls can you if you hang them like Xmas ornaments all up close and personal, I live in a prohibition state, so i know , I also run 8 -70w hps 4 -175mh and I have over 57 cfl bulbs fixtures , shop tubes and t8s and ghetto rigged devices I use so many combinations its crazy , I just try to...
  13. Bractman

    can you tell the difference between MH buds and HPs Buds?

    I know the feeling all to well , I started reading this thread at noon EST and here we all still are, there are just too many veriables to any one grow to say anyone meathod is best, shit I stopped one once to split into two main kolas and trained the two a little less then 2 feet each oppisit...
  14. Bractman

    can you tell the difference between MH buds and HPs Buds?

    its a well known fact that headlights off of a 1988 Buick Regal is far superior for veg and x-mas lights and glow sticks are the best for flowering , :-P:shock: actually I had a dream once where Leonardo Da Vinci made a room with thousands and thousands of oil lamps or candles and used mirrors...
  15. Bractman

    can you tell the difference between MH buds and HPs Buds?

    MH= spring/earlysummer hps=Aug./Sept.latesummer,fall (harvest sun)
  16. Bractman

    Jiffy Peat Pellet Cubes for seedlings..

    Ph issues aside, I must add that as it goes I have planted in all 4 methods with success, the moisture heat light/darkness are most important factors its all about finding a balance, sometimes crumbling some fine soil over seed pod and developing cotyledon while tap root is doing its thing...
  17. Bractman

    Jiffy Peat Pellet Cubes for seedlings..

    spitin4cash can i give you credit for images? simple but bad ass!!
  18. Bractman

    Jiffy Peat Pellet Cubes for seedlings..

    i snip the pouch @ transplanting you get a nice bundle that spreads out, this is better then starting in large pot and having a hollow root ball that wraps around the sides and esp. the bottom of pot.
  19. Bractman

    What do you do with plants once harvested?

    word !! I have been making charcoal out of my tree trunks and use it for oil lamps and Hookas working on a coal powerd vapoo rise er ... (trying to close the loop) my current setup indoors is all solar powered hps
  20. Bractman

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    try 1qt yoghurt containers , make holes with heated fireplace poker works pretty well , 1qt is pretty close to 1L , I am making the switch to hps after a few rounds w/ cfls im all about the many mini plants, now to pick your brain how are your heat issues , for your space, how close can you get...