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  1. T

    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    my pf died :( but my bagseed has a HUGEEEE amount of roots and I am doin a little experimenting with it, it is thriving in the dwc bucket, huge fat stalk. I will put up some pics soon!
  2. T

    Closet Stealth Grow - First Time Grower

    those leaves will prolly never do anything to be honest. but if the uncurl and go back to normal I wouldn't see any need to snip them off!
  3. T

    Closet Stealth Grow - First Time Grower

    If they were already curled when you got them I wouldn't worry I guess. if the new growth looks nice then wait til you get a decent amount of new growth and snip those scraggly looking things off :P good luck and happy growing!
  4. T

    Closet Stealth Grow - First Time Grower

    those look way overwatered or the lights are too close. something is wrong. they shouldn't have curled leaves like that.
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    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    here there are today. the bagseed is really booming right now. good thing im going to be doing a scrog lol
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    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    nice man I really like your setup. I have been researching leds. I would like to follow your led grow with 1w diodes as I have heard that 3w and higher is necessary to really get your moneys worth out of leds. post the link here or something so I can check it out. I have a 150w hps and 6 cfls...
  7. T

    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    it is my girlfriends cat -.- I hate the fucker since he chewed my plant.....
  8. T

    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    the power flower has finally popped open! it is already way bigger than I thought It would be by now. it just popped open this morning and already has the first leaf set along with the second ones starting already. I cant wait to see this girl go in the dwc bucket :)
  9. T

    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    here are some pics from about 10 mins ago! the one in the dwc bucket already is the bagseed and was started quite a bit before the power flower which is still in peat pellet and not yet in bucket. how do they look? the bagseed has been in the dwc bucket for 2 or 3 weeks now, I forgot lol. and...
  10. T

    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    still am unable to upload pics my phone is down and out right now :/ but they are doing ok and the shuck finally fell off of the power flower and the leaves are about to pop :D super pumped about that girl :) I will keep you guys updated. I am also thinking about upping my nutes on the bagseed...
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    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    got some new pics that I am gonna upload later on. I cant do it right now. I ate two brownies about an hour and a half ago lol. happy growing and stay high :)
  12. T

    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    I just caught my cat in my room and I look and the plant is half knocked over and there is a piece missing off of one of the leaves. I think she will be ok though. I stood it back up straight and hopefully the chunk he took out of the leaf doesn't hurt the overall health of the plant
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    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    these are pics of them as of yesterday at about 7pm. how they looking?
  14. T

    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    alright thanks man, will most likely try this method next time as I believe it will harm the plant if I try to transplant it now...
  15. T

    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    kinda worried about this power flower though. the seed came up out of the ground but it is not coming any higher up and the shuck is still on :( its been up out of the ground for a couple days and hasn't shedded it yet or grown up at all. any suggestions?
  16. T

    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    then the light will get to the roots?
  17. T

    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    lol I know man, but I am new to this site so I wasn't sure if people looked through the grow journals or if people just posted them on the forums section so I just did both to be safe :P
  18. T

    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    the drip ring is actually keeping the res temp close to perfect as it is cooler in the room sometimes because I am in the middle of a harsh winter here. the room has an exterior wall for one of the walls so it gets chilly in there, have to keep a humidifier and fan on and rely on hps heat to...
  19. T

    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    i also got mine as a freebie and it is feminized so im hoping she pops up a little higher real soon happy growing and good luck with the power flower :)
  20. T

    Bagseed and royal queen power flower dwc buckets

    hello everyone I am growing for the first time after doing hours upon hours of tedious research. I decided that dwc bucket would be the ideal way to go seeing as I am not always home to water or check them. I have a couple pictures from the plant I already have going. and I am currently waiting...