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  1. I

    Male or Female? First grow pics

    My heart felt thanks to you both! Yeah, all the pics are of the same plant, but there are two others in the same hydroponic reservoir, so I might have caught one of the others in the pic too. The other two are absolutely female...they've been showing white bud hairs for a week or so. So, out...
  2. I

    Male or Female? First grow pics

    Hello RIU. I don't have a lot of experience growing, and I'm having some problems with determining the sex of this plant. I want to call it a male and hack it down, but the "nuts" just don't look the same as the other two males I culled out last week. Any help would be most appreciated...
  3. I

    Is it a boy? First grow pic

    Shite. I was afraid so. That makes two so far. Hope my numbers improve. Thanks for your help everyone!
  4. I

    Anybody ever overdose on weed?

    Yeah I love that vid. The "time going by really really slow" part just slays me.
  5. I

    Is it a boy? First grow pic

    Hello. This is only the second plant I've had to identify (had a male pop up last week), and I'm still not confident in my identification abilities. The clusters look like little grapes...thus I think it is a male. However, just a day ago I was convinced it was a girl because I thought I saw...
  6. I

    Is it a boy or a girl? First grow

    Thanks for the quick replies! I'm happy there's a consensus. I have five other plants in that room, and honestly, it was getting really cramped in there anyway. Some of my smaller plants have been fighting for light, and this male is most of the reason why. So I guess it works out okay...
  7. I

    Is it a boy or a girl? First grow

    Hello everyone. This is my first post, but I've been a lurker for a while. I'm having some trouble identifying the sex of one of my plants. I've looked at many pics online to try and help me out, but I'm pretty inexpierienced and I'm doubting myself. The plants have been flowering for 4 days...