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  1. K

    Cannabis=My Religion

    A lovely read m8. I agree, using cannabis to rasie your awareness is a must. It's nice to get mashed once every bluemoon, but most of the time i use to relax, reflect and to grow as a person.
  2. K

    Feminized Auto Flowering Dwarfs

    My lowryser "2's took 9 weeks, seed to weed. Smoke was great i was really surprised. I can only recomend Lowryder 2 as ive not grown any of the others yet.
  3. K

    Source for Lowryder Crosses?

    Theres nothing wrong with Lowryder "2. Seed to weed in 8-9 weeks and its a fo0king good smoke, no ceiling at all. Better than all the street weed ive ever had.
  4. K

    Peat Pots?

    Just take the bottom of the peat pots off (carefully), then repot them bottomless.
  5. K

    Autoflowering lowryder 2, couchlock?

    Lowryder 2 is a fo0king nice smoke. It beats all the street shit ive had hands down. Yes it does have a nice couch lock.
  6. K

    lowryder #2 seeds not sprouting after 40 hours?

    I popped 8 straight into soil. 7 took 4 days to show, one took 8 days . Patience is your friend :)
  7. K

    What is Christ?

    christianity is a mushroom cult, like most relgions. Google "John Marco Allegro" or buy his book: The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross.
  8. K


    Spice Diamond blew my fo0kin head off. Is some strong shit. Gold and silver didn't touch me though :(