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  1. M

    DIY 4oz. minimum yield grow box

    wicked sick setup dude, using the same thing myself. Im in the proccess of getting new pots, probaly going with 5x 8" pots. First grow just using bag seed. I plan on getting another rubermaid and using it for a mother/ clone room, then doing sog in the setup I already have. Dunno if its gonna...
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    cant get help anywhere else so i tried here

    NotMine, you know what you're talking about bro. If you dont mind, can I shoot you a pm kinda got a buncha ideas but Im not sure if Im right and you seem like you do hehe
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    cant get help anywhere else so i tried here

    NotMine, thanks so much. Been looking for a specific place to go and get things, and you helped me out huge here. Bout to spark this fat blunt of some nice bud and get things rolling- Also, if you dont mind, wana run something by you. is 4-5 plants too big for the rubbermaid? I also wanted to...
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    cant get help anywhere else so i tried here

    Thats what I have been doing, in a few water bottles, just letting the water sit over night. I kind of feel like Im not watering enough, probaly about 3/4 of a whole water bottle for all 5 plants in the small cups. I just dont have the funds right now for all that HID or HPS, and hydro stuff...
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    cant get help anywhere else so i tried here

    Hey man, thanks for the help!. I have 5 plants currently under 6x 26w CFLS. I am probaly going to try to fit 5x 8' pots in the two rubbermaid bins i have ( 2 22 gal on top of each of each other), but I feel like 5 8 inches wont fit in there, so might go with 4 8 inch and 1 6 inch. I have been...
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    cant get help anywhere else so i tried here

    Hey Notmine!:weed:. Is hyponics a brand of soil? Im just looking for something I can get at a department store. I want to just get regular or organic soil with no ferts and add perlite, verm, and peat moss. Where can I grab these from? Home Depot? ( Walmart didnt have any). Yup I am using tap...
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    Cabinet Grow w/ tons of pics! bagseed 7weeks ,3 plants, 1 lst

    awesome lookin buds may have said it but im high and lazy.. what are the specs on your cab?
  8. M

    cant get help anywhere else so i tried here

    Theres a couple holes on the bottom of the cups. There is also some slits on the bottom side of the cup to allow for draining. I feel like 3/4 of the water comes out when I was watering so I taped up the side holes in one of the cups. You really think LST will be too hard? Ive read about 50...
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    cant get help anywhere else so i tried here

    Posted in both the newbie and grow journal, but I cant get any help whats so ever. Ive done a bunch of reading and researching, but I still cant get a definate answer on what I want. Growing in scotts soil, watering every 3-4 days or when the middle of the soil is dry. 6x 26 watt cfls placed...
  10. M

    CFL Bag Seed Rubbermaid 1st Grow! Lite up a blunt!

    well no one seems to want to lend a hand, but fuck it anyways plants are exactly 2 weeks old now. im seeing some yellowing of the leaves and I think it might be time to start a low dose fert. I saw miracle grow fert 12-8-6 or 12-4-6 something at walmart for like 3.50. They also had a powder...
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    CFL Bag Seed Rubbermaid 1st Grow! Lite up a blunt!

    Hey man!:weed: Haha yea I did too couldnt think of anything else creative :idea:. Check out the first 2 pics of the baby girl. Gonna get more pics tommoro, but basically one of the plants has like wierd rays of yellowish kind of from when soil was on the leaves. Feel like its time to add...
  12. M

    CFL Bag Seed Rubbermaid 1st Grow! Lite up a blunt!

    holy shit im ripped, got some heads from a buddy took 1 hit and im about to buy out mcdonalds. uh, jus came home from work and saw yellowish fan leaves on one of my plants. I think it may have been because I spilt some water and soil on the top of the leaves..and because I accidently dropped it...
  13. M

    CFL Rubbermaid grow box..some questions

    Ehhh. Why when the caveman just smokes me up =). I also noticed some a little yellowing on the bottom left plant in that picture. But I spilt soil on it so I feel like that may be the reason.
  14. M

    CFL Rubbermaid grow box..some questions

    High all, my caveman friend has been reading the forums for quite some time and finally decided to start growing for himself! I am just merely transmiting this information to all of you for his pleasure =):weed: Sorry for the pix all I have is my phone and I dont really feel like buyin a camera...
  15. M

    CFL Bag Seed Rubbermaid 1st Grow! Lite up a blunt!

    hmm..32 views no ssuggestions? any idea whats wrong with the little lady. woke up today and she kinda looked like a willow tree
  16. M

    CFL Bag Seed Rubbermaid 1st Grow! Lite up a blunt!

    well see no one has responded =( been doing some more research on setting up another container where i could do SOG. any inputs?
  17. M

    CFL Bag Seed Rubbermaid 1st Grow! Lite up a blunt!

    High all, my caveman friend has been reading the forums for quite some time and finally decided to start growing for himself! I am just merely transmiting this information to all of you for his pleasure =):weed: Sorry for the pix all I have is my phone and I dont really feel like buyin a camera...