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  1. T

    Aussie Outdoor 09' 10'

    this is my plant, 1st grow, not sure if its female though? i see little red hairs on it and its started to smell good. Not doing anything fancy just watering it every couple of days.
  2. T

    Tacos First Outdoor Grow

    cheers man, yea the spot its in is really hard to get to, i have to crawl under thorns to get too it, i already put chicken wire in the spot i think the deer got through.
  3. T

    Tacos First Outdoor Grow

    Started of with 3 little plants that i started in winter on my windowsill, then onto the roof, then out in the bush straight into plain soil pretty much (i mixed a bit of blood and bone into the soil, only thing at home i had that would help). All was going well until a deer came along and...
  4. T

    Aussie Outdoor 09' 10'

    1st time grower, started 3 plants couple months back in winter, not really a good time, all was going well until a deer came along and ate all plants except one, i then gave that one too much thrive and killed it :( , but then one of the others grew back, it now has 2 main branches already...
  5. T

    First Outdoor Grow 2009 NW w/pics

    looks good, nice grow man