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  1. 420CannabisMMJPothead


    Welcome to club. Who aren't beating the Knicks is the shorter list. Bulls beat the Knicks with less talent.
  2. 420CannabisMMJPothead


    Bulls 103 Warriors 83 LOL go dubs
  3. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Hallucinating in cartoons

    I have an eight year old who likes The Amazing World of Gumball, Teen Titan Go, The Regular Show. He'll put it on, then the show ends and I notice I'm the only one watching. I hate the kid's show Lazy Town that my 5 & 2 year olds are watching. Its like an acid trip right before it goes bad.
  4. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Why hasn't anyone removed the spam in General Marjuana Growing?

    When do I need to add magnesium?
  5. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Legalization In Missouri

    The first line I heard in Britney Murphy's voice. The middle was Mr. T. The last line was Flo from the car insurance commercials. Man, this Mr. Magoo is good!
  6. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Legalization In Missouri

    Nevada? El Dorado Springs?
  7. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Sleeping pills that work....any ideas??

    Valariun root, good sleep hygene. Brain can't go from stimulation (bright screens) to restive melatonin producing slumber with the flip of a switch. Read a book before bed. "But reading is boring." Exactly.
  8. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Butthole is the New Vagina

    Lick a butt, don't lick a butt. We have to make judgement calls about people depending on this preference, too? Finally a two party system that just might work! Brown-eyers vs Vanillas
  9. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    What Do You Do?

    For a klondike bar?
  10. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Legalization In Missouri

    I moved to Oregon to get away from the backwater mindset that is Missouri.
  11. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Had sexual relations with a very ugly girl who my friends know now I'm paranoid.

    I wish sex LOOKED like beautiful fit girls with the lights on but FELT like ugly fat girls with the lights off.
  12. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    "Who's down there?" "Uh-oh. Let's get outta here." "Why do I always shout first? Just gives them time to run away. Well, I'm an idiot."
  13. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Aaaaaaahhh..... Unanticipated stirring of man juice... How do we rep? ...and rep a lot?
  14. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Meth (prepare yourselves)

    So, tweakers, what's with the facial scabs?
  15. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Any way to separate trichromes from ground up stem?

    ^^^ "like" (no button) "rep" (can't figure this crap out) "whatever the fuck" to show that this is funny and soooo true.
  16. 420CannabisMMJPothead


    Just saw that the Lakers have the same record as the Kings.
  17. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Yay! Entertain me! How do I make more people post more funny pics? (I was using the like button to encourage this)
  18. 420CannabisMMJPothead

    Do you know any surprising facts/events/mysteries that will blow our minds?

    The hyoid bone is the only bone in your body that does not articulate with another bone.
  19. 420CannabisMMJPothead


    Damian Lillard is in all the All-Star events, an NBA first. He should be plenty tired after the All-Star weekend. I'm excited for the SlamDunk contest. Is it acceptable yet our do we have to keep bemoaning the dunk contest even though 3 all-stars are participating? Saw some talking head on...