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  1. LilLadySkunk

    I'm not sure if it's right

    alright, thank you
  2. LilLadySkunk

    I'm not sure if it's right

    I know it is a lack of light, right now I only have a 15 watt CFL I water when it needs to be watered, when the soil at the top isn't moist. I use filtered tap water that i let sit for 2 days to make room temperature. I just now got it some plant spike nutrients and i'm soon getting the actual...
  3. LilLadySkunk

    I'm not sure if it's right

    SO... Here's a picture. 1 month and 5 days. and it seems like it'snot bushy enough and too tall and i don't know what to do D: < help!
  4. LilLadySkunk

    What Other Drugs Do You Enjoi?

    hey man, where'd you see that? that's amazing
  5. LilLadySkunk

    I'm curious

    y'all got distracted... like damn He was talking about smell and all of you just start talking about 2 bedroom apartments! lmao
  6. LilLadySkunk

    How much do you smoke per sitting?

    I'm still a light smoker when I'm alone. I'll usually just smoke 3 bowls at night, laugh, eat, and go to bed. It's a real good natural sleeping medication =D but if I'm in a social setting I'll smoke as much as 10 GB's depends on how much weed everyone has. And I feel you, I HATE it when...
  7. LilLadySkunk

    Jokes for laughs

    Okay I'm Irish so I'm allowed to say this one; Two Irishmen walk out of a bar. :)
  8. LilLadySkunk

    Phone Tracing!!!!

    HOLY SHIT! that scared the fuck out of me & I'm so baked I had to sit here and tlook at it for a little bit to think what it was. then i was totally grossed out! LMAO i was trying to find where my cell phone is too :(
  9. LilLadySkunk

    First Time

    & I'm not sure where my avatar takes place, I didn't think it was REAL, you're prolly thinking right though
  10. LilLadySkunk

    First Time

    I actually am using the dull side, & my little baby got above the soil today! I was so happy when I got home and saw it
  11. LilLadySkunk

    What Other Drugs Do You Enjoi?

    haha thanks =D i think the worse part is that people actually stop at this road sign, thinking on where to go, lol
  12. LilLadySkunk

    What Other Drugs Do You Enjoi?

    I smoke alotta weed. =] it makes me a happy chick! I've done CCC's once, scared the shit out of me! I used to do alot of coke, but I quit. thank god. I'm supposed to try salvia sometime soon, I'm excited :D
  13. LilLadySkunk

    My mom & weed

    haha my mom found my bag one time when i dropped it in the bathroom, stupid moment yeah, she just came in my room and was like "are you missing something?" and I was so confused and just said no.... then she asked "how do you pay for this?" and i was like "oh shit" She's known I've smoked for...
  14. LilLadySkunk

    First Time

    Alright, I started like 3 days ago with ungerminated seeds I checked today with a small spoon hole and the root has sprouted and is strong =D I'm growing indoors in a 2 x 1.5 x 1 box lined with aluminum foil & it's located in my room in my entertainment center storage space so noone can find it...